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REQUIREMENTS: Base Game, GP Parenthood

OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Xml Injector (Clik HERE), Pandasama's TrampolineBasketball HoopMakeup KitDrawing Supply and Rock-a-Stack (for the buffs on toys to appear).

CONFLICT: may conflict with mods which increase skills learning speed.

TRANSLATION: English & Italian are included; for other languages please check my website here: https://loryy2818.wixsite.com/lory-na-traduzioni/le-mie-mods#parenting-styles

DESCRIPTION: in cas you'll find 8 parental traits (you can also add trait by shift+click on Sims):

-Perfect Parent;

-Crunchy Parent;

-Fitness Parent;

-Creative Parent;

-Nerdy Parent;

-Religious Parent;

-Career Loving Parent;

-Stay at Home Parent.


-All Parents:
Will have custom interactions + 8 Rabbithole activities each!

-Important Notes:
-Parental interactions are avaiable from Young Adult, Adult, and Elderly to Children and Teens.
-With Crunchy, Fitness and Creative Parents you will get special buffs by staying close to Pandasama's toys, specifically:
Crunchy --> Rock-a-Stack
Fitness --> Basketball Hoop and Trampoline
Creative --> Makeup Kit and Drawing Supply