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Credits: Original Mod created by Scarlet, who gave me permission to update and upload her Mods
Original Text by Scarlet:
Children and Teens can now collect an allowance!
To have your Child or Teen start receiving an allowance, use the Ask for Allowance interaction on one of their parents. Then, you’ll decide whether it’s time for them to receive an allowance or not.
Allowance Amounts
High Amount
• Children will receive about §200 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time).
• Teens will receive about §375 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time).
Medium Amount
• Children will receive about §144 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time).
• Teens will receive about §270 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time).
Low Amount
• Children will receive about §96 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time).
• Teens will receive about §180 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time).
Cheap Amount
• Children will receive about §24 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time).
• Teens will receive about §45 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time).
Allowance amount will also depend on grades, traits, and responsibility/manners (if you have Parenthood). Therefore, the amount may be higher or lower than the above amounts listed. I chose to have them receive their allowance twice a week because some people play on shorter lifespans.
On Tuesdays and Fridays, the allowance amount will be deducted from the household funds and stored into their Allowance Account (accessible in the Household category on their phone). It’s your choice whether you want to save their allowance or not. I suggest you save it until they move out, so they can have some extra simoleons.
New Interactions
- Ask for Allowance (Friendly Interaction) - Available for Children and Teens while selecting their parents (or caregivers). Not available if already collecting an Allowance.
Can happen autonomously. - Allowance Account (Phone Interaction - Household Menu) - Enabled for Allowance Collectors only. They can use this to check their total balance and/or transfer funds from their Allowance Account to your Household Funds.
As long as there’s simoleons in the Allowance Account, your Sim will always be able to access it, regardless of age.
Warning - Transferring from the Allowance Account to Household Funds is permanent.
- Tease about Allowance (Mischief Interaction) - Available for Teens collecting an Allowance to use on their siblings.
Can happen autonomously. - Discontinue Allowance (Mean Interaction) - Available for Parents/Caregivers to discontinue a Child/Teen’s Allowance. The Child/Teen will receive a sad buff for 6 hours if their allowance is discontinued.
Cannot happen autonomously.
New Buffs
- Sweet Simoleons - Happy Buff that lasts for 8 hours. Given to the Child/Teen when you agree to give them an allowance.
- Lost Allowance - Sad Buff that lasts for 6 hours. Given to Child/Teen if their allowance is discontinued.
♦ Mod Requirements ♦
Base game only required.
♦ Mod Conflicts ♦
No known conflicts.
♦ Translations ♦
The following translations are included in the mod:
Chinese Translations (by Miaow_CC)
Dutch Translations (by flqwerz)
French Translations (by Candyman)
German Translations (by helene912)
Italian Translations (by xISYx)
Japanese Translations (by Licer)
Polish Translations (by kelwiak)
Russian Translations (by Origamika)
Spanish Translations (by Amanlen)
Mod Support available via my Discord: