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More Holiday Icons

Added around a lot of Icons to the Calendar Holiday Icons 

There are three Version, where you can choose one: 

  • A main Version includes around 100 Icons. This should work best without any huge lag, when opening the Icon Menu.
  • A 2000+ Version includes over 2000 Icons, but it will cause a lag when you open the Icon Menu. Be aware of that!
  • Religious Holiday Icons (by FrkTrunte on Mod the Sims) Compatible Version. For the  Religious Holiday Icons (by FrkTrunte on Mod the Sims) Compatible Version you need to install the
    “ReligiousSims_ReligiousHolydayIcons_CompatabilityFix.package" within the “ReligiousSims_ReligiousHolydayIcons_CompatabilityFix.zip” downloadable here!

    Optional Addons for each Version:

These Addons are for users who don't have all the DLCs installed, and which prevents them from getting blank Icons in the Icon Menu. 


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