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Requires Lot51 Core Library

This mod adds two new interactions to help sims do homework together. First, children and teens who are doing their homework will have the option to invite others to join. Second, if someone is doing their homework, children and teens with their homework books in their inventory will have the option to do homework with the other sim by clicking on them. I also tweaked the base game Do Homework Together interaction to make it work more frequently. Often, the reason that interaction doesn't work very well is because NPC inventories aren't very reliable and they don't always autogenerate a homework book. What this mod does is check if there's already a book in their inventory and if not it'll be added. The sims may need to be invited twice as sometimes the first try only adds the book and you have to invite again for them to actually do the homework interaction. This will only add new books to NPC sims' inventories, not sims in the active household.