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Requires XML Injector

This mod adds two new interactions to the shift+click cheat menu that allow you to add or remove sims from a currently running event. When you add sims to an event they’ll change into the appropriate outfit and won’t leave until the end of the event. They’ll be added to the situation’s default role which is usually guest. It might take a little bit for the tooltip to update showing them as the event role.

You can also use this to change the role of a sim. For example, if a sim gets hired as a caterer you can change them to a guest by removing them and then immediately adding them back.

Some situations have requirements for being allowed to join the role. For example, the guests may need to have met the host. In cases like that, they won’t be added to the situation until they’ve introduced themselves to the host.

The way this works is by checking against a list of situations and if any of them are running, the sim will be added to the default role if possible. This means that I have to put each situation into the list. There are a lot of things in this game that are considered situations, many of which you don’t see as the player. I tried my best to at least find all the situations that can be scheduled by the player, but there are bound to be situations that I missed. If you want something added to the list or if a different role would make more sense than the default in a situation, let me know and I can make changes.

Here’s the list of everything currently included:

  • House Party
  • Dinner Party
  • Birthday Party
  • NPC Hosted Birthday Party
  • Wedding
  • Custom Wedding Events (My Wedding Stories)*
  • Black and White Party
  • Costume Party
  • Spooky Party
  • Weenie Roast
  • Toddler Play Date
  • Charity Benefit Party
  • NPC Hosted Charity Benefit Party
  • Lampoon Party
  • NPC Hosted Lampoon Party
  • Fan Meet and Greet
  • Kava Party
  • Keg Party
  • Mountain Excursion
  • Baby Shower
  • Family Reunion
  • Sleepover
  • Ranch Animal Day
  • Ranch Gathering
  • Neighborhood Potluck
  • Cookout
  • Custom Date Events (Lovestruck)*
  • My NPC Invites: Weddings, Dinner Parties, House Parties, Study Groups

*Some situations don’t specify which role is the default, so I’m not always sure what role will be chosen if any. These custom situations are the ones that I most doubt working, but I don’t have those packs to test it