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Yet Another Build Order Tester (YABOT) will start downloading in 5 seconds...



This project is series of standard 1v1 Blizzard maps adapted to include a sophisticated build order testing system. The goal is to execute the chosen build while keeping up worker production and creating the largest army possible. The AI will execute a given build order or execute a random one. At the end of the round, you are given a score which tells how well you executed the build. Also included is a "Freestyle" mode, which monitors your play and displays the build order that you performed.

After playing a freestyle, you can open your bank (save) file at My Documents/Starcraft II/Banks/YabotSettings.SC2Bank in a text editor to see the encoded build as a single line of text. This text can then be decoded and edited at


Register today to get build orders and join the discussion at

Supports YABOT Encoding Output


Starcraft Tools

Evolution Chamber

How To Run

Unzip to any location on your hard drive.

PC: Simply drag and drop the map onto your Starcraft II launcher -or- open with the map editor and click "Test Map"
Mac: Take a look at


  • Enter custom build orders by pasting in a YABOT encoded build text into your bank file!
  • Custom build orders are saved even after closing the map!
  • Freestyle mode to see your own build order and get encoded text to share!
  • Attack wave settings can be changed temporarily
  • Easy to use commands through chat interface
  • Build orders from will be included in future releases
  • See chosen build order as objective list
  • Score is given based on the quality of your build execution


v1.4.3 (Mon, 21 Nov 2011)
  • Updated Map Pool
    • Added Abyssal Caverns
    • Added Antiga Shipyard
    • Added Nerazim Crypt
    • Removed older maps
  • Fixed a trigger error on load and when changing computer race dropdown
v1.4.2 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011)
  • Added maps: Shakuras Plateau and Tal'darim Altar LE
v1.4.1 (Fri, 25 Mar 2011)
  • Upgraded to Green Tea AI 0.81
  • Fixed for Patch 1.3
  • Optimized file sizes
v1.4 (Mon, 28 Feb 2011)
  • Upgraded to Green Tea AI 0.78
  • All attack waves are now controlled by Green Tea AI for a much improved experience
  • Objectives are updated with time and supply value when completed
  • GUI Tweaks
    • Larger build selection dialog so descriptions are not truncated
    • APM dialog off by default (use -a command to enable)
    • Round timer is smaller an in the bottom left corner of the screen
  • Maps were updated with current ladder rotation

Official Blizzard 1v1 Maps Currently Included

  • Abyssal Caverns
  • Antiga Shipyard
  • Metalopolis
  • Nerazim Crypt
  • Shakuras Plateau
  • Tal'darim Altar LE
  • The Shattered Temple
  • Xel'Naga Caverns

Known Issues

  • UI race style is set by the random starting race and cannot be changed when switching race... no known fix yet.
  • For construction of buildings or training of units, the build object is completed when the unit actually starts production rather than when it is queued. There may be a work-around in future versions.
  • When a build objective is an upgrade, the recorded minerals and gas are after the upgrade was clicked.
  • AI location is fixed until the map is completely reloaded

Chat Commands (Enter these as a standard chat message)

Chat CommandDescription
-rReset the round using the same builds
-bChoose new builds to practice
-s [slot#]Instantly save the current freestyle build to a custom slot
-eEnd the round early and show the score board
-oToggle visibility of the objectives list
-pToggle pausing of the game
-tHide/show the timer
-aHide/show the APM counter
-scSave a checkpoint
-lcLoad a saved checkpoint
-?Show an in-game list of these commands