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Starcraft: Evolution Complete Campaigns will start downloading in 5 seconds...


SC:Evo Logo

StarCraft: Evolution Complete is a complete Remake of the BroodWar Tech Trees and art as well as a portion of our Remake of the original StarCraft Campaigns.

Join us at our Discord where we're more active and can give you live support! Koprulu Discord Server

Update 12/11/24

Hey everyone i just want anyone who reads this post to know that we are actively working on the campaign remake, we would like people to follow us on our Blog or even our Discord server for updates and also to be ready for the release next year.

Update 06/02/24

Hey everyone, we know that there are some issues with the installation instructions, they've been verified to be up to date and we're working to create a custom installer to make downloading and installing our mod easier. While we do not have any news on a release date it is being worked on actively.


This mod will continue to work but the newest Core mods might cause some minor bugs in some of the current maps.

We're working to finish the Prologue and all it's features but our schedules are mostly taken up by support to the Extension Mod as well as new modelling required for both the Core Mods and Campaign specific models and effects, we'll post an update to our blog sometime soonTM once we have a tangible release date.

We're sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.


Help us fund more models by donating to our PayPal!

Or subscribing to our newly opened Patreon!

The Public Release of the Loomings episode is out now!

Current Demo version Includes the Tutorial and Three Missions, A brand new Campaign system to track progress, Achievements, Auto Saves, Redesigned Missions and Beautifully Remade Terrains.

Version 0.7 Is out now

We've made a bunch of fixes, QoL updates, tweaks to our launcher, added a new User Profile (F9) and updated all map help panels (F12)

How to Install and Play
Download the following Files
SC: Evo Core Package

SC: Evo Campaign Mods

SC: Evo Maps

Extract all files
Navigate to the StarCraft 2 Installation folder (The Documents folder is not the right one)

If you don't know where it is installed, go to your Battlenet launcher, Click the cog icon and select Show in Explorer.
Copy paste the extracted Mods and Maps folder.
Make sure that the Maps are in Starcraft II > Maps > SCEvo_Maps and the Mods in Starcraft II > Mods > SC Evolution Complete

To launch the Campaign Open the Launcher in Maps > SCEvo_Maps and launch the EvoCompleteDemoLauncher Map, then simply click on Test Document to start it up.
Additionally you can use the SC2Switcher method by opening the Support64 folder in Starcraft 2, finding the SC2Switcher.exe and then drag and drop the Launcher map to the SC2Switcher.

If you want to use SC: Evo Complete for your own project head over to this page for a Creator's package: SC: Evo for Creators

Artist Credits
This list is still being updated