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The Siege of Galilee
3 Mar 2018 - Talon 01 V2 Released (removed unused icons, added a respawn for the Praetor, etc.)
22 Feb 2018 - Talon 01 V1 Released
This is my first publicly-released map, so please feel free to leave feedback and critique!
The Talon. A little-known, warlike faction of the Protoss that has kept its existence secret from the rest of the Protoss. During the Aeon of Strife, they were known as the Laceros Tribe. But soon that name would be lost to the ashes of history and a new order would rise...
The Siege of Galilee is a simple campaign map depicting a battle in the Aeon of Strife.
Thanks to WingedArchon for the custom Kahlani model, and for creating the Talon faction that inspired this project.