Starcraft 2 - Brood War will start downloading in 5 seconds...
Published on SEA, US and EU Realms
Create Custom Game > Search "SC2BW"
Latest Changes -
Version 0.974
- New Sounds for Zealot
- New Sounds for Dark Templar
- New Sounds for Protoss Building Warp in
- New Sounds for Wraith
- New Sounds for Vulture
- New Sounds for Siege Tank
- New Sounds for Science Vessel
- New Sounds for Goliath
- New Sounds for Ghost
- New Sounds for Battlecruiser
- New Model for Creep Colony
- Added Protoss Music
- New Stats/Ranking System - should now work correctly
- Replaced ingame timer with a Real Time Timer (it displays Time Elapsed in Real Time, not Game Time)
- Textures that had to be reduced in quality due to limitations have been returned to full quality
- Removed Stim Ability from Bunker
- Gas Harvest Time increased from 1.9810 > 2.1500 (Reverted)
- Reduced Deceleration of SCV/Drone/Probe (Reverted)
- Rally Hotkey for SC1 Profile changed from Y > R
- Time it takes for a worker to mine a Mineral Field increased from 4.592 > 5.4
- Time between when a worker finishes mining and when he starts to return to the CC/Nexus/Hatch reduced from 0.5 > 0.0
- Dark Templar Hotkey for SC2 Profile changed from R > E
- Corsair Hotkey for SC2 Profile changed from R > E
- Rebalanced all units Acceleration and Deceleration
- Fixed stupid Pathing Blockers on Heartbreak Ridge that should of never been there in the first place (center highground)
- Reworked more unpathable areas, removed alot of trees to fix pathing issues and blocked vision problems
- Fixed Siege Tanks grabbing the double damage rune in the river and bloodlusting my ass because my jackass team didn't ward it!
- Hotkeys should now be correct for all locales