SC: Evolution Complete for Creators will start downloading in 5 seconds...
StarCraft: Evolution Complete is a complete Remake of the BroodWar Tech Trees and art. The Mod is meant to be usable for other developers as the data is non-destructive meaning that it won't modify or replace existing data or be affected by previously modified data.
This page contains individual Asset Files, Mods Required for BroodWar style content, AI script files for custom units as well as the Multiplayer Balance mod used in the Extension Mod.
Individual Unit Assets are being prepared for upload.
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Mods Package Version 1.9
Usage instructions
Patch Notes in our Website
Patch Highlights
• Added Queen's Nest Model
• Updated Several Custom Zerg Asset Textures
What Exactly does it add?
SC: Evo Complete adds all 3 races including all Units, Buildings, Abilities, Researches, Upgrades and Art
Our goal is to remake all units in a style that fits with Starcraft 2 but has distinct design elements from Starcraft 1/BroodWar as well as a Campaign which is currently in development but a Demo is available.
The mod is not only limited to that as the 3 new Custom Races are included for usage in Melee, New Unit categories in the Help menu, Tech Tree displays, Tactical AI for Campaign Usage with more features to come in the future.
The mod is also available in Battlenet as an Extension that can be played VS players or AI, the AI is is now fully complete featuring all 3 races with unique builds and support for all difficulties, more AI variety is coming in the future including new strats.
You can find it in the arcade using an extension as "SC: Evo Complete" or using the arcade links below to bookmark the Mod.
➤ battlenet:://starcraft/map/1/349669
➤ battlenet:://starcraft/map/2/246488
➤ battlenet:://starcraft/map/3/162487
Individual Assets
We're rolling out Separate Asset files for creators who might want to use them, some still require additional optimizations and will be made available as soon as they're finished.
The Individual Assets can be found in the Files Page under this project.