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First Pack, Energy Waves: several wave effects I made based on Alarak's Death Wave missile effect.
List of Effects: Death Wave (Green), Frost Wave (Blue), Solar Wave (Orange), Void Wave (Purple)
Second Pack, Lasers: A pack of custom laser missile effects of different colors made based on Xanthos laser missile effect. For each color there is a normal version and broader version of the same missile.
Third Pack, Cosmic Hybrids: A pack of hybrid models I made for a map I'm working on and I decided to release them here, it also includes a custom Archon model, all the models share the same custom dds skin.
List of Models: includes a variation of all hybrid models in the game and a variation of the archon model.
Fourth Pack, Void Hybrids: A pack of hybrid models made to look like infused with void energy, all the models share the same custom dds skin.
List of Models: includes a variation of all hybrid models in the game.
Fifth Pack, Void and Cosmic Hybrid Death Models: A pack of custom death models I made for both my cosmic hybrid and void hybrid pack.
List of Models: Includes a purple variation of all hybrid death models found in the game, to use in conjunction with my hybrid models, as well as the death model of my cosmic archon model.
Sixth Pack, Mega Beam Pack: A pack of wide beam effects, based on Swann Mega Global Beam.
List of Models: Solar Mega Global Beam, Cosmic Mega Global Beam and Frost Mega Global Beam
Seventh Model Upload, Cosmic Archon Fixed: Uploaded a fixed version of my Cosmic Archon, in my previous model I messed one of the textures references, which caused some particle effects to not be displayed properly.
Eighth Model Pack, Energy Missiles: A pack of enery missiles based on the infested stukov missiles, and 3 cyan colored impact explosion models for the SpiritE_Missile found within the pack.
List of models: SolarE Missile, FrostE Missile, SpiritE Missile and DestructionE Missile, plus 3 cyan impact explosions for the SpiritE Missile or any other cyan colored custom energy missile model you may find.
Ninth Model Pack, Elite Templar Pack: A pack of elite templar models based on Malash base model this is an upgrade of one of my previous packs, I improved some of the textures, implemented variations of the models with different gemstone colors (ruby, saphire, amethyst, emerald) and adjusted all the particle effects within each model to match the colors of the gems present in the armor and in an few cases to match the concept of the model itself.
List of models: Gold Templar (5 variations), Fury Templar (5 variations), Void Templar (4 Variations), Chaos Templar (3 Variations), Frost templar (2 Variations), Wraith Templar (2 Variations), Fel Templar (1 Variation).
Tenth Model Pack, Dark Energy Ray Missiles: A pack of energy missile effects based on the Sacrifice Missile model, it's a dark missile effect where the missile leaves a dark trail of energy and smoke as it travels. Made for abilities or units themed around the concepts of void, darkness and death.
List of models: Void Ray Missile, Shadow Ray Missile, Fel Ray Missile and Spirit Ray Missile
Eleventh Model Pack, Fireball Missile Pack: A pack of projectile models based on Yagdra's fire ball missile with an impact model that matches each missile.
List of models: 3 color variations of the fireball missile (purple, green, blue) and 3 impact models to match each missile.
Twelfth Model Pack, Charged Energy Missile Pack: A pack of energy missile models that burst with energy particles.
List of models: Cosmic Burst Missile, Frost Burst Missile, Death Missile Charged and Void Missile Charged.
Thirteenth Model Pack, Energy Cannon Missile Pack: A pack of energy missile models based on the Cerberus Yamato Missile.
List of Models: Fury Cannon Missile, Necron Cannon Missile and Solar Cannon Missile
Fourteenth Model Pack, Archon Variation Pack: A pack with variations of several archon models. Includes fire variations , darker variations, and green energy variation of several Archon models.
Fifteenth Model Pack, Orbs Pack: A pack of orb missiles. Four of the models, have team colored emitters, which allow greater customization of their appereance.
Sixteenth Model Pack, Channel Effects Pack: A pack of charge/channel effects. Includes different color variations of a shockwave effect that has a channel/charge animation and includes different color variation of the channel/charge visual effect used by Kerrigan's Apocalypse ability.
Seventeenth Model Pack, Charged Energy Buff Pack: A pack of energy effects in different colors, that can act as buffs or debuffs for abilities or effects that revolve aorund radiation, electricity, disintegration or anything related to energy or magic.
Eighteenth Model Pack, Charged Beam Pack: A pack of energy missiles in different colors, for abilities that fire big missiles in a straight line, like Alarak's Wave of Destruction.
Nineteenth Model Pack, Shadow FX Pack: A pack of energy effects in different colors that have shadow emitters, that can be used as impact or cast effects for abilities related to darkness, the void, death or anything related to spectres and demons.
Twentieth Model Pack, Lightning Strike Pack: A pack with 21 variations of lightning effects with different colors and lightning shapes for abilities or effects that call down lightnings upon the battlefield.
Twenty-First Model Pack, Archon Additional Variations Pack: Includes the Crimson Archon and Radiant Archon models, plus two minor additional variations of my Nebular Archon model.
Twenty-Second Model Pack, Vortex Effect Pack: A pack of energy vortex effects in different colors, that can be used as buffs, debuffs, 2D motion ground missile effects or persistent effects for different abilities.
Twenty-Third Model Pack, Orbs Pack 2: A pack of orb missile effects in different colors, includes a darker blue and intense green variations of previously uploaded models, as well as a yellow orange variation and a violet variation.
Twenty-Fourth Model Pack, Energy Shield Pack: A pack of energy shield effects in different colors, for abilities that create shields or apply stasis debuffs.
Twenty-Fifth Model Pack, Lightning Cloud Buff Pack: A pack of energy buff effects in different colors, that can be used as buffs or debuffs for abilities that revolve around electricity, smoke, mist, radiation or magic.
Twenty-Sixth Model Pack, Energy Cloud Pack: A pack of energy cloud effects with different variations, for AoE effects and abilities that create persistent effects in wide areas.
Twenty-Seventh Model Pack, Boss Lightning Pack: A pack of 51 lightning beam effect variations that I created while working on some boss units, for attacks and abilities that use energy beam effects.
Twenty-Eighth Model Pack, Simple Lightning Pack: A pack of simple lightning effects in different colors for abilities that shoot multiple lightnings or chain lightning type abilities.
Twenty-Ninth Model Pack, Energy Aura Pack: A pack of energy aura effects in different colors, for aura abilities and persistent area of effect abilities.
Thirtieth Model Pack, Magic Aura Pack: A pack of magic circle effects that can be used as aura or channel effects, for abilities themed around spellcasters or magic.
Thirty-First Model Pack, Miscellaneous Magic Pack: A pack I made of several effects, for abilities themed around magic and curses.
Thirty-Second Model Pack, Hybrid Fire and Darkness Pack: A pack of Hybrid Dominator model variations themed around the concepts of fire/light and darkness/void.
Thirty-Third Model Pack, Mega Beam Pack 2: A pack of wide energy beams in different colors for abilities that are meant to fire big bad lazers of death.
Thirty-Fourth Model Pack, Transparent Glaze Pack: A pack of 56 energy glaze model variations with different textures, for buffs that apply glazes to units or to change the appearance of regular units to make them look like they are infused with elemental, psionic or magical energy.
Thirty-Fifth Model Pack, Eldritch Glaze Pack Part A: A pack of 44 glaze model effects that heavily alters the appearance of the outer layer of any unit model they are applied to.
Thirty-sixth Model Pack, Eldritch Glaze Pack Part B: The continuation to the previous Eldritch Glaze Pack, with 44 glaze model effects that heavily alters the appearance of the outer layer of any unit model they are applied to, with glaze models that combine two animated textures.
Thirty-seventh Model Pack, Simple Energy Missile Pack: A pack of simple energy missile effects in different colors, that can be used as attack missiles for normal units or for abilities that hurl barrages of missiles. The missiles leave a trail of energy as they move.
Thirty-eighth Model Pack, Boss Orb Series - Blazing Sun Orb Pack: A pack of orb missile effects inspired in the sun, for abilities that fire miniature suns or fancy fire balls.
Thirty-ninth Model Pack, Boss Orb Series - Orb of Death Pack: A pack of orb missile effects for abilities themed around the concept of death, the spirit or magic.
Fortieth Model Pack, Khalai Battlemage Skin Variation Pack: A pack of skin variations of Zerakim's Khalai Battlemage.
Forty-first Model Pack, Boss Orb Series - Arcane Orb Pack: A pack of orb missile effects for abilities themed around the concept of the arcane or magic.
Forty-second Model Pack, Boss Orb Series - Blazing Sun Orb Pack Part Final: an update pack to the previous Blazing Sun Orb Pack with additional models that use different visual trail effects.
Forty-third Model Pack, Ethereal Glaze Pack: A pack of glaze effect models to make units look like void minions, shadow minions and ethereal beings.
Forty-Fourth Model Pack, Boss Orb Series - Frost Orb Pack: A pack of orb missile effects for attacks or abilities themed around the concepts of ice and cold.
Forty-Fifth Model Pack, Energy Nova Pack: A pack of shockwave effects for abilities that use nova style effects or energy blasts.
Forty-Sixth Model Pack, Boss Beam Series - Solar Beam Pack: A pack of large beam models with fiery particle effects, for abilities themed around the concepts of solar energy and fire.
Forty-Seventh Model Pack, Boss Orb Series - Fel Orb Pack: A pack of orb missile effects for attacks or abilities themed around demons and fel magic.
Forty-eighth Model Pack, Boss Beam Series - Eradicator Beam Pack: A pack of large energy beam models with purple particle effects, for abilities used by elite type and boss type units.