WoWMap Instances v4
is an addition to the regular WoWMap and includes ALL existing Instancemaps of Runes of Magic. If you still have problems to display the correct map inside of an instance, this addon will solve that problem.
Please notice, that this addon ONLY works in combination with WoWMap and has absolutely no effect when using it without it. It is released in a standalone project, because this addition is only needed for players that use an old gameclient of Runes of Magic and has a rather large filesize.
Included maps are:
Dungeons | |
Cavern of Trials | Höhle der Prüfungen |
Forsaken Abbey | Verlassene Abtei |
Necropolis of Mirrors | Gräberstadt der Spiegel |
Mystic Altar | Mystischer Altar |
Queen's Chamber | Königinnenkammer |
Pasper's Shrine | Schrein von Pasper |
Shrine of Kalin | Schrein von Kalin |
Treasure Trove | Schatzhöhle |
Barren Caves | Karge Höhlen |
Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom | Ruinen des Eiszwergkönigreiches |
Ocean's Heart | Herz des Ozeans |
Origin | Ursprung |
Hall of Survivors | Halle der Überlebenden |
Cave of the Water Dragon | Höhle des Wasserdrachen |
Lair of the Demon Dragon | Hort des Dämonendrachen |
Zuridon Stronghold | Zurhidonfeste |
Hall of the Demon Lord | Dämonenfeste |
Dungeon of Dalanis | Kerker von Dalanis |
Warnorken Arena | Arena von Warnorken |
Raksha Temple | Tempel der Raksha |
Kawak's Tomb | |
Tile Dungeons | |
Bloody Gallery | Blutige Galerie |
Revivers' Corridor | Auferstehungskorridor |
Guards' Corridor | Korridor der Wächter |
Royals' Refuge | Korridor der Zuflucht |
Revivers' Corridor | Auferstehungskorridor |
Guards' Corridor | Korridor der Wächter |
Royals' Refuge | Korridor der Zuflucht |
Varanas Nightmare | Albtraum von Varanas |
Dalanis Sewers | Kanalisation von Dalanis |
Windmill Basement | Windmühlenkeller |
Arcane Chamber of Sathkur | Arkane Kammer des Sathkur |
Cyclops Lair | Höhle der Zyklopen |