True Monster Rancher - Farm more items (Electric Organ Update) avatar

True Monster Rancher - Farm more items (Electric Organ Update)

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A simple mod which allows monsters to drop more items. Yes, now your Vixy may bring you the coveted Legendary sphere, and your Sibelyx may make Pal Fluids! Condensing increases the rates.


  • New Drops - Caprity: Horn. Melpaca: Leather. Sibelyx: Ice Organ. Vixy: Bones. Mega, Giga, Hyper, Ultra, Legendary Spheres. Coarse, Handgun, Shotgun, AR, Rocket Ammo. Mau+Mau Cryst: Small, Medium & Large Pal Souls.
  • Tweaked Drop Rates - Click here for drop rates


Simply open the downloaded .7z file using 7zip and place the folder inside into your main Palworld. Do not place the .7z or the folder inside into any sub-directory, it will merge where it needs to be on it's own.

True Monster Rancher is compatible with most existing mods. However, it patches the "DT_ItemLotteryDataTable" datatable, and would be incompatible with any mods which do the same. A few known mods doing so include Better Chest Items and Gear Progression, with the latter having a merged version with the Vixy rates. It can be installed on an existing world with no issues. It can be removed at any time. It has no known incompatibilities on a server, so long as it is installed on the server.

Bug Reports
Ensure you have installed the mod correctly and given ample time for the modified rates to become apparent. Pal Spheres being dropped by Vixy, for instance, is normal and does not mean the mod isn't working! Post if the issue continues for more than ~15 minutes of real-world time.

FAQ / Known Issues
The mod isn't working!
Ensure there hasn't been an installation issue. The .7z contains the mod folder, it is not meant to be placed into the game directory by itself. You must unpack the folder from that file using 7zip or a similar program. Nitrado servers appear to have specific setups for modding, I would recommend switching to a better host, personally. If it is a dropped item issue, see below.

My pal is only dropping certain items!
First, make sure to walk over the dropped items and check what they are in the top-left. Some items - such as Spheres - always look like the lowest tier item. This is due to the way Palworld uses models, and has nothing to do with this mod. Assuming this isn't the issue, make sure you have at least waited for a fair amount of time (~15 real-world minutes) to ensure you are not simply getting unlucky. Report with a post only if the issue is persistant.

Can I install this on an existing world / server?
Yes. True Monster Rancher can be added or removed at any time within a singleplayer or multiplayer server.

Do all clients need it on a server?
No, only the server needs it installed.

Does this add item ___?
If it's not on the spreadsheet anywhere, then no.

Can you add item ___ to pal ___?
If it is not already on the spreadsheet and there isn't much logical reasoning for it (such as being a dropped item by that pal or closely related to a dropped item by that pal), then probably no. I prefer to keep things as close to vanilla as possible while making ranching more fun.

Can you add a version of the mod with my preferred rates?
I've split the mod into more versions of itself than I prefer to support as is, so this likely won't happen. You'll have to learn how modifying datatables works on your own, or wait for me to put out a configurable version (not possible at this time). 

Can you add new pals to the ranch?
Coming soon... :)

Join my new personal community Discord, I'd be happy to assist you there. You can discuss, report bugs, suggest changes or new mods for me to create, and more.


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