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More Game and World Settings - More Modifiers will start downloading in 5 seconds...


Previously known as Damage Settings

A mod which allows you to set a wide range of modifiers for hidden game settings and adds a few new ones. Now you can have wild pals do more damage while nerfing player pal damage, make trees shake forever when chopping (yes, really) and make all pals !


  • 5 general damage settings
  • 12 PVE damage settings
  • 4 PVP damage settings
  • 4 world modifiers
  • 62 character modifiers
  • 11 effects / UI modifiers.

    ... yes, that's 98 total!

Simply place the folder inside the downloaded .7z file into your main game directory after installing UE4SS. I also recommend adding "MoreGameWorldSettings: 1" as a line immediately after the "Keybinds : 1" line and before all other mods in your Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\mods.txt file. This is in case of another mod you use which modifies the settings this mod changes, so your preferred settings aren't overwritten by MGWS.

To uninstall: close the game (client) or shutdown the server (dedicated server), then delete the MoreGameWorldSettings folder at Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods. You can also remove the line you added to mods.txt if you prefer, although it shouldn't be necessary. Now open the game or server again and everything will be back to defaults.

MGWS is compatible with all known existing mods. However, the settings effect a wide range of things in Palworld and could be confusing when used in tandem with the vanilla World Settings. Keep this in mind when using the mod and when reporting issues.

Bug Reports
Ensure you have installed the mod correctly before making a report. Then, enable the Logging setting in config.lua and try to reproduce your issue. You will see a lot of information in Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS.log, which is very useful to me. Send this to me, in a PM is preferable as the file can be quite large. The other option is to upload it to a host like Pastebin and comment the link on the modpage.

FAQ / Known Issues
What are all of the possible setting modifiers?
[spoiler]Damage Modifiers (General)
DamageToMapObjectModifier : The map object defensive damage modifier. IE Trees, Rocks and structures if structure damage is enabled.
DamageToFoliageModifier : The foliage (tree) defensive damage modifier.
PosionHPDecrease_Percent_perSecond : The health decrease percent per second from poison.
Starvation_DecreaseHP_Percent_perSecond : The health decrease percent per second from starvation.
HpDecreaseRate_Drowning : The health decrease per second ratio while drowning.

Damage Modifiers (PVE)
PlayerDamageModifier : The player's offensive damage modifier.
DamageToPlayerModifier : The player's defensive damage modifier.
PlayerPalDamageModifier : The player's pal offensive damage modifier.
DamageToPlayerPalModifier : The player's pal defensive damage modifier.
BossPalDamageModifier : The boss pal offensive damage modifier.
DamageToBossPalModifier : The boss pal defensive damage modifier.
WildPalDamageModifier : The wild pal offensive damage modifier.
DamageToWildPalModifier : The wild pal defensive damage modifier.
HumanNPCDamageModifier : The human NPC offensive damage modifier.
DamageToHumanNPCModifier : The human NPC defensive damage modifier.
TowerBossDamageModifier : The tower boss pal offensive damage modifier.
DamageToTowerBossModifier : The tower boss pal defensive damage modifier.

Damage Modifiers (PVP)
PVPDamageModifier : The player to player damage modifier.
PlayerDamageToOtomoModifier : The player to opposing player pal damage modifier.
OtomoDamageToPlayerModifier : The player pal to opposing player damage modifier.
OtomoDamageToOtomoModifier : The player pal to opposing player pal damage modifier.

World Modifiers
RarePal_AppearanceProbability : The lucky pal appearance percentage.
RarePal_LevelMultiply : The lucky pal level multiplier.
DeadBodyDestroySecond : The time in seconds before dead bodies are despawned.
EnemyCampRespawnCoolTime : The time in minutes before enemy NPC camps respawn.

Character Modifiers
CharacterMaxLevel : The base character max level.
GuildCharacterMaxLevel : The guild characters max level.
OtomoLevelSyncAddMaxLevel : The player's pal max level sync.
PlayerSprintStaminaType : The player sprint stamina type.
ReturnOtomoPalCoolTime : The player's pal cooldown timer before returning to sphere.
OtomoWazaCoolDownSpeedRate : The player's pal cooldown timer before using a move again.
PlayerHPRateFromRespawn : The player HP ratio on respawn.
PlayerStomachRateFromRespawn : The player hunger ratio on respawn.
BreakedWeaponDamageRate : The broken weapon damage ratio.
BreakedArmorDefenseRate : The broken armor defense ratio.
ClimbingStamina_Move : The climbing movement stamina cost.
ClimbingStamina_Jump : The climbing jumping stamina cost.
FlyHover_SP : The flying hovering stamina cost.
FlyHorizon_SP : The flying horizontal movement stamina cost.
FlyHorizon_Dash_SP : The flying pal dash stamina cost.
FlyVertical_SP : The flying vertical movement stamina cost.
SlidingEndSpeed : The speed when sliding will automatically stop.
JumpSP : The jumping stamina cost.
StepSP : The rolling stamina cost.
MeleeAttackSP : The melee attack stamina cost.
SprintSP : The sprinting stamina cost.
GliderSP : The gliding stamina cost.
Swimming_SP_Idle : The swimming idling stamina cost.
Swimming_SP_Swim : The swimming stamina cost.
Swimming_SP_DashSwim : The swimming pal dash stamina cost.
OverWeightMinSpeed : The over weight minimum speed.
AutoHPRegene_Percent_perSecond : The base health regeration percent per second.
AutoHPRegene_Percent_perSecond_Sleeping : The base health regeration percent per second while sleeping.
StomachDecreace_perSecond_Monster : The hunger decrease per second for pals.
StomachDecreace_perSecond_Player : The hunger decrease per second for players.
StomachDecreace_AutoHealing : The hunger decrease per second while healing.
StomachDecreace_WorkingRate : The hunger decrease per second while working on a task.
StomachDecreaceRate_GroundRide_Sprint : The hunger decrease per second for ground pal mounts while sprinting.
StomachDecreaceRate_WaterRide : The hunger decrease per second for swimming pal mounts.
StomachDecreaceRate_WaterRide_Sprint : The hunger decrease per second for swimming pal mounts while sprinting.
StomachDecreaceRate_FlyRide : The hunger decrease per second for flying pal mounts.
StomachDecreaceRate_FlyRide_Sprint : The hunger decrease per second for flying pal mounts while sprinting.
PlayerShield_RecoverStartTime : The time in seconds after shields are depleted before recovery begins.
PlayerShield_RecoverPercentPerSecond : The shields recovery percent per second.
StaminaRecover_PercentPerSecond : The stamina recovery percent per second.
ResuscitationTime : The time in seconds to recover a downed player (needs confirmation).
BuildExp : The experience for building.
CraftExp : The experience for crafting.
PickupItemOnLevelExp : The experience for picking up items.
SearchRangeOnThrowedCharacterLanded : The maximum range that a thrown pal will search for a nearby task.
DefaultMaxInventoryWeight : The default maximum inventory weight. Effects existing characters.
technologyPointPerLevel : The amount of technology points gained on each level up.
bossTechnologyPointPerTowerBoss : The amount of ancient technology points gained per defeated tower boss.
DefaultTechnologyPoint : The amount of technology points on character creation. Does not effect existing characters.
TechnologyPoint_UnlockFastTravel : The amount of technology points gained per unlocked fast travel location.
DecreaseSanity_DamagedMultiply : The pal sanity decrease for each health point of damage taken.
FullStomachPercent_RecoverySanity : The pal hunger percent required to begin sanity recovery.
RecoverySanity_FullStomach : The pal sanity recovery when full.
DecreaseSanity_Hunger : The pal sanity decrease when hungry.
DecreaseSanity_Starvation : The pal sanity decrease when starving.
StatusPointPerLevel : The amount of status points added on each level up.
AddMaxHPPerStatusPoint : The health added for each status point used.
AddMaxSPPerStatusPoint : The stamina added for each status point used.
AddPowerPerStatusPoint : The attack added for each status point used.
AddMaxInventoryWeightPerStatusPoint : The inventory weight added for each status point used.
AddWorkSpeedPerStatusPoint : The work speed added for each status point used.
PalBoxReviveTime : The time in minutes before a fainted pal will be revived.

Effects / UI Modifiers
lowHealthEffectParcent : The health percentage for low health effects to occur.
BlockRespawnTime : The time a player must wait on the game over screen before respawning. Values at/below 0.1 may cause the screen to break.
InventoryWeightAlertRate : The inventory weight threshold ratio to begin displaying weight UI on item pickup.
InventoryWeightGaugeDIsplayTime : The time in seconds to display the weight UI on item pickup.
TeleportFadeOutTime : The time in seconds to display the fade effect after teleporting.
LongPressInterval : The long key press interval for general actions.
LongPressInterval_EnemyCampCage : The long key press interval for releasing caged pals in camps.
LongPressInterval_GetHatchedPal : The long key press interval for retrieving a pal from a hatched egg.
MapObjectShakeTimeOnDamaged : The time in seconds a map object will shake on damage taken.
PasswordLockFailedMaxNum : The amount of failed password attempts before being locked out.
JoinGuildRequestInteractLongPushTime : The long key press interval for joining guilds.
The mod isn't working!
Ensure there hasn't been an installation issue. The .7z contains the mod folder, it is not meant to be placed into the mods directory itself. You must unpack the folder from that file. Additionally, if you are using Vortex, it may not be installing properly, so attempt a manual installation. I don't use Vortex so I have no idea why this happens. Nitrado servers appear to have specific setups for modding, I would recommend switching to a better host, personally.

But x setting is the same!
Make sure this is actually the case. If you aren't on a server or can isolate the playerbase so there isn't any unintended consequences, set a really high value or even a value of 0. Any value of 0 should nullify all damage. If you still have issues, report the issue for me to look into.

Can I install this on an existing world / server?
Yes. MGWS can be added or removed at any time within a singleplayer or multiplayer server. You must restart the game / server for the old settings to be recovered.

Do all clients need it on a server?
No, only the server needs it installed.

Join my new personal community Discord, I'd be happy to assist you there. You can discuss, report bugs, suggest changes or new mods for me to create, and more.


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