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Adaptive Pal Levels - Levelled Pals will start downloading in 5 seconds...



Two modes of operation:

  • Percentage of player level
  • Simple Pal level addition

Percentage of Player Level mode offers:

  • Min percent of player level
  • Max percent of player level
  • Randomize level percent difference - Whether to randomize between the min and max percent instead of a constant value.
  • Flip level percent difference - the min and max percent are subtracted from the player level (called the floor) and the addition percent is used (randomized).
  • Flip addition percent - the percentage to add to the floor - the floor is a random number between min and max percent of level and is then subtracted from the player level.
  • Randomly activate flip level percent difference
  • Max level cap for a Pal


- you are level 40,

- min percent is set to 10% and max percent is set to 10%

- then you have 4 as the difference that is added and subtracted from your player level for pal levels

- Min pal level: 40 - 4 = 36, max pal level = 40 + 4 = 44.


Simple Pal level addition mode offers:

  • Min pal level increase - the min pal level increase to add to a Pal's existing level.
  • Max pal level increase - the max pal level increase toa dd to a Pal's existing level.
  • Max level cap for a Pall.


Play with the settings, find what you like.

There are two ways to edit the mod configuration: via the main.lua detailed below, or via Dek's Mod Config Menu available here: Dek's Mod Config Menu (UI)

To edit the settings mentioned above manually open the AdaptivePalLevels Folder -> Scripts Folder -> main.lua" file for this script. You can open the "main.lua" in Notepad!

At the top of the file you will find lines like so (there are descriptions in the actual file):


local percentModeActivated = true

local minPercentOfPlayerLevel = 50

local maxPercentOfPlayerLevel = 51

local randomizeLevelPercentDifference = true

local flipLevelPercentDifference = true

local flipMaxPercentAddition = 20

local randomizeFlipPercentDifference = false

local basedOnPalLevelModeActivated = false

local minPalLevelIncrease = 1

local maxPalLevelIncrease = 10 



Installation of Mod

  • Requires UE4SS to be installed!
  • This mod is a "Lua Script Mod" meaning that the zip file must be extracted to the "Mods" folder in the "Win64" folder of your Palworld installation.

Installation Steps

  • Download the ZIP file
  • Extract contents to your Downloads folder or wherever you would like to.
  • Move the extracted files to your Palworld Installation Folder -> Pal Folder -> Binaries Folder -> Win64 Folder -> Mods Folder
  • Re-launch the game.