

"You start on a small island of dirt with nothing on it except a few fences and a spawner. There are lots of other spawners suspended in the air around you. The spawner on your island will produce zombies holding dirt blocks. Kill the zombies and you get the dirt they're carrying. Get enough dirt and you can expand out to other spawners to farm other blocks that mobs are holding (wood, cobblestone...). Find zombies carrying ores and kill them to make armour and weapons. Once you've got enough materials get some obsidian and head to the nether, where you can find even more mobs and items. And if you're feeling really brave head to 'the end' and face off against the ender dragon."

This old map has been broken after the multitude of Minecraft updates. I have decided, due to my love for this old Minecraft map, to remake it and update it to the newest versions of Minecraft while adding a few interesting features.

IMPORTANT: A bug in V3.1 to V3.3.1 made it so many spawners only dropped 1 item at a time. Dirt spawners are not supposed to only give 1 block. If this ever happens again, please let me know.

Trixfix challenges:

1. Survive the first night
2. Make some stone weapons and tools
3. Make an animal farm (sheep, cows, chickens)
4. Make some leather armour
5. Find an ice block (so you can build down)
6. Smelt some ore
7. Find Redstone
8. Improve your weapons and armor
9. Make a bow and collect arrows
10. Make a mob farm
11. Find diamonds!
12. Mine obsidian
13. Go to the nether
14. Kill a blaze and make a brewing stand
15. Collect nether wart and other ingredients for potions
16. Brew a potion
17. Create and kill a wither boss
18. Build and use a beacon
18. Go to 'the end'
19. Kill the Ender dragon

FelixHellborn Extra challenges:
1. Collect a villager of each biome type

2. Make a mob grinder for each spawner and mark them in a way to tell which block they provide from afar
3. Full Netherite gear

4. Kill the slime boss
5. Kill the Elder Guardian

6. Defeat the Frost Legion
7. Kill the Warden (He has reduced health)
8. Kill the Wither without losing a spawner
9. Upgrade all Unbreakable tools to Netherite
10. Full-trimmed Netherite gear
11. Get an elytra

What is new:
- Lots of new rare drops for most spawners. No longer does every spawner sometimes drop smooth stone, cobblestones may drop other stone variants, ores may drop their deeper variant, and many other surprises.
- A villager spawner that provides a villager of all biomes.
- 2 gimmick spawners.
- More varied humanoid mobs like Husk, Stray and Vindicators to carry the precious blocks.
- Players join in adventure mode (May only work on servers. For singleplayer it might be based on if I didn't forget to set myself in adventure mode first)
- Nether completely remade to offer better progression while including the new nether blocks. Includes Ancient scrap spawner.

- Archeology! Some spawners give suspicious sand and suspicious gravel. Collect all the possible pottery sherds! (Temporary fix: the mob now drop the suspicious sand/gravel loot along an empty gravel/sand)

- Amethyst Geode spawner.
- Tuff spawner  (forgot to mark it on the [Redacted])
- Witch and chicken spawner.

- Water temple blocks spawners.
- Compressed mobs: 2.5 times the health, 5 times the loot/drop chance (Not all spawners have this yet).
- Spawners that spawn multiple different loot mobs.
- Rare mobs that drop chest loot table content.
- A shop that uses vaults that refresh every day.
- 4 boss Arenas 
- Buy and upgrade unbreakable tools up to netherite!
- A way to start a village invasion
- A way to compress Rotten Flesh and arrows
- Custom QoL bone recipes
- Custom recipes that use hanging roots and beetroot for a meal
- Custom Heads, Spawn eggs and spawner recipes
- A way to come back from the end
- Custom Advancements 

What is planned (if enough interest is gathered):

- Make people join in adventure to not break the starting location (Done, but in singleplayer sometimes an update may be left in creative, as it seems to be based on my player data rather than make a new one.)
- More gimmick spawners
- Very rare armour trim and pottery shard drop with maybe a way to find a book that tells you which spawners drop which?
- Add the new passive mobs as spawners.

- Lhama and wandering trader spawner
- Ocelot Spawner
- Dolphin Spawner

- Use the new potion effects
- Wither Boss Arena

- And other things I forgot

Please let me know if you find any bugs, find a broken spawner or have suggestions for some gimmick spawners or rare drops. You may also provide screenshots you want to share! Let me also know if you want me to put it in the screenshot list for the map!

Spawner Requirements:
Many spawners in vanilla Minecraft have special requirements to work. This is not a feature of the map but of Minecraft itself.
- Passive mobs require a grass block nearby (best result at the same level or 1 block below)
- Hostile mobs require no light. I have noticed the spawners work better if no blocks are exactly next to the spawner, especially for Enderman and blazes
- Drown requires a source block AND an air block directly above to spawn on top of the no-light requirement! this means a source block under a block is not going to work! their head needs space outside water and their feet need to be in water! (might have changed with new version)
- Some spawners may require a mix of Passive and Hostile requirements met if one of the potential spawns is riding a passive animal.

Known Issues:
- Not all spawners work on the same system and is a mix of the original system and the new one (holding block vs head block)
- Some spawners may still have the corrupted "Count vs count" data that make some drops only drop 1 instead of multiple
- Suspicious gravel from the mud spawner is not yet fixed

All credits go to TrixFixz for the original idea. Please note this project may be taken down at the original author's (TrixFixz) request. Please enjoy this map in the meantime.

Link to the original map: