For Played Player before V1.14.3:
1. Delete "datapack" folder at .minecraft/saves/Oneblock Extreme/
2. Download Oneblock Extreme V1.14.3 and unzip "datapack" folder at .minecraft/saves/Oneblock Extreme/
Special reminder:
This map's one block is just spawning grass block ONLY, NO ANY PHASE system settled.
Player should read the instructions to get other materials through the original recipe, and special drops from mobs.
Special thanks to YouTubers who playing this map:
Risible Twins (Indian)
UrekanFaiz (Indian)
N00B Gaming (Indian)
VikPunisher (Deutsch)
AngelMoAl05 (English)
Killer Queen(Spanish)
Bug Fixes: Transforming Wither Skeleton, Piglin Burte, Cave Spider, Guardian and Elder Guardian become available.
Bug Fixes: when Arrive nether, pigs and fogs in overworld will not transform.
Updated Readme.
Update to keep track on latest version, Minecraft 1.19
Fixed bug:
Void Explorer updated for Minecraft 1.19
Mod Update:
Creeper can drop All types of discs (included "5","otherside"、"Pigstep")
Removed recipe:
clay, you can create a water bottle, use it on dirt to make a mud, then dry it on dripstone.
New recipe:
Sculk catalyst, crafted from end stone, soul sand and warped wart block.
Reinforced deepslate, crafted from deepslate tiles, obsidian and end stone brick stairs.
Echo shard, crafted from Amethyst Shard and Sculk vein.
Advancement changed:
"Sprling collecter" added one requirement : mangrove propagule.
Moved Clay advancement on top of dripstone.
Added dripstone advancement, "Bukkit Bukkit", "You've Got a Friend in Me" and it's relative from wandering trader.
Added Sculk's advancement from end stone.
Added Reinforced deepslate advancement after crafted copped deepslate.
Added Echo shard advancement after crafted Amethyst Shard.
New Special Function:
Any green and orange frog will transform to white frog at the Nether.
Sculk shrieker can be activate by drop an ender eye on it. once it activated, warden can be spawned nearby. it will be deactivate after wander appeared.
Reinforced deepslate can drop itself after breaking.
Wandering Trader Update:
Added mangrove propagule, price same as other saplings.
Added frogspawn and allay, both prices are 2 emerald.