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this time i come with new idea
and a new way of fun for minecraft players

i know you guys played many types of minecraft
challenge for fun gameplay
most famous challenge are
one block minecraft and one chank minecraft

but this you guys get a new challenge by me

that is "One Chunk Dungeon"

One Chunk Dungeon as it sounds it a Dungeon
size of a chunk
with 16-384-16 size

with many floors of a particular mobs
and its in hard mode and in the last two
floors there is a nether portal and end portal
also and in above of your spawn there is a big
trading center for you.
each floor having a different trades area.

In your spawn there is a personal trader which help you in trading.

A basic room for your help is proved.

now download it and check your skils and bet the game
with One Chunk Dungeon world.

this map is supported both single player world and multiplayer servers.


version supported
form- 1.19 TO Latest version

make sure you check the file version before downloading the map
all versions have separate files


Enjoy the "One Chunk Dungeon".