Its finally here. The Minecraft City that I have been spending 644 (As of August 2nd 2024) days building. This City is very loosely based on Los Angeles whilst having mixed elements of other cities, Includes european styled rural fields aswell. Los Perrito is the capitol city-state of the Island of West Ramont. First Founded in 1955 by Sean Richards, It now boasts a population of 1.6 Million Perritians. I started on this project in October of 2022. I built this in Version 1.19.2 but It should be compatible with the latest versions.
This map is meant for Java Edition, however a Bedrock Version can be found here
You can also find updates for this map on my youtube channel here
IMPORTANT: Your allowed to use this project for servers/modpacks/content and other projects just as long as proper credits are given
If you guys enjoy my work and want to support me whilst also getting your own cool minecraft server. I have partnered with Rocketnode Hosting to bring you guys affordable minecraft servers. You can click the link here.
A fair warning. This map uses alot of custom map items in its construction, and as such it may take some time to extract from its zip file
This city is approximately 1km by 1.5km and contains 20 different districts.
Tree's were actually from the Custom Tree Repository by lentebriesje
Now Featuring Custom Airliner designs from my other project: Uospag's Ultimate Plane Pack
Planned Features
-Fill all the billboards
-Full interiors in every building
-More exterior details
-A fast travel system
-Small towns near the City