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Minecraft Custom Boss Collection II
- Trailer:
Zombiecreeper243: "I just finished playing the map (it was great!)"
PiCookie: "It [the map] looks like a really good one by the way"
Saws311: "The boss you made me was just perfect! Thank you!"
The_Minecraft_F: "This [the map] sounds good"
dangerousdiamond: "We beat all bosses and LOVED IT!"
proxwarrior33: "Your boss is awesome"
Saws311: "Keep up the good work!"
Mr_Forum: "I love this map!"
Crackrazor: "So far the map is great!"
Mineminethat: "It feels awesome seeing my name posted here."
13379001: "I liked it, myself; creative boss design and effects, amazing-looking arenas, etc."
Crackrazor: "The Blood Mage boss fight and class are genius concepts"
mrtrey336: "In my opinion, this is one of the best maps ever"
Nototherium: "I wish I could do something this awesome!"
Pengi003: "Cool map"
rabidgoodra27: " 'Cool'? This is awesome."
All these quotes are take from comments on this thread
Minecraft Custom Boss Collection is a map created by:
McTsts - Main Redstoner - Texturer - Graphic Designer - Model Creator - Builder
EnderPig - Main Builder - Redstoner
Booty156156 - Builder - Texturer
Aequalis_ - Builder
Rafakado - Builder - Texturer - Redstoner
Mattscarp - Builder
DomoRaider - Helper
PixelVolt - Graphic Designer
Troller4Ever - Redstoner - Builder
Mllster - Redstoner - Builder
CheckMinerYT - Builder
Antrobot123 - Redstoner - Builder
DarsilvaPlayx - Redstoner
MarMar23 - Builder
CookieCaveman - Builder
Cb_Crystal - Builder
Cb_Fishy - Builder
1.10 Version only:
This map uses a custom resource pack.
The Resource pack is NOT included in the world. (But you download RP and world at the same time)
More Pictures (In an Imgur album) can be found in the first reply on this thread by me.
Custom Boss Collection II is a map about fighting bosses. But not only are there lots of bosses, but there are also many other things. At the moment the map has over thirty bosses and is probably the biggest Boss Collection there is other than Custom Boss Collection I. When you begin the map you can choose a class with which you will fight a boss. After selecting the class you will get tped to the Boss Selection room. This room is split into 4 different corridors. There is the Misc, Overworld, Nether and End Corridor. Bosses are sorted into these corridors. Currently most bosses are in the Overworld corridor. After you select a boss you will fight it. Bosses are normally mobs, but there are also some more unique bosses, that are e.g. made of Blocks or Custom Models (e.g. McTsts or Zombie Lord). On the right side of your screen you will see your amount of deaths, but there is no live limit. After deafeating a boss you will be tped back to the class selection room. Many classes are unlocked by deafeating a certain boss (e.g. EnderPig class is unlocked by defeating EnderPig). But like I already mentioned bosses arent the only thing in this map. If you are in the Boss Selection room you will find a button near the center which will take you to the Challenge Corridor, in the Challenge Corridor you can select one of the many Challenges (e.g. Defeating Ghost in 20 seconds). Completing a challenge the first time often rewards you with a special item/ability for a special class: Mage. The mage class will get better/stronger the more bosses you defeat. And there even is another mode in this map: The Player vs. Player mode. You select it by flipping a lever in the Class Selection Corridor before you choose a class. After that you can choose a class and you will be teleported to the Arena Selection Corridor instead of the Boss Selection Room. In the Arena Selection Corridor you can select one of the arenas (Normally used for bosses). The first person to reach three kills wins. After a Victory everybody is teleported back to the Class Selection Corridor. The Player vs. Player mode can only be played in multiplayer. Bosses and Challenges can be played in single and multiplayer
I'll add you as a Boss! (Currently not accepting new Boss Requests)
If you want a boss play the map and tell us your opinion on our poll. Thanks. We will try to create the boss as good as you think the map is. If you tell us the map is bad we'll just make you a bad boss. If you say its good we will try our best to make it good.
You can also request a boss here:
You can also request bosses on my twitter (@mctsts) or on skype (McTsts) or on YouTube (also McTsts), but I prefer if you just leave a comment on the thread with the boss request.
Tell me you Name and some Ideas for attacks and I'll add you as a Boss
(I also want to note that I cant do things dependent on the bosses health)
Warning: This map is no longer the only map I'm working on and I'm working on other maps too. If you request complicated bosses they might take a while or won't be created at all. (But I will tell you if that is the case)
Please tell me These things:
- Minecraft Name
- Boss Name (probably your Minecraft Name, too?)
- Type of mob
(Btw Zombies, Skeletons, Witherskeletons and Zombie Pigmen can wear armor and one item in each hand - of course any mob is allowed anyway)
- Armor (if leather, which Color?) (also enchantments?)
- Health
(300 is pretty normal)
- Weapon (There are a variety of wepons in this map, e.g Mace/Battleaxe/Spear/Dagger/Swords/Staff/Trident/Hammer) (also enchantments?)
- Effects (like Speed/Strenght)
- Attributes (like Knockback resistance/Movement Speed)
- Own Arena or already existing one? (if own, what size?)
(I advise either choosing a simple arena or an already existing one)
- What should it be? (for Arena)
- Arena name (optional)
- Attacks (between 0-5)
- Text (beginning, Death, Attack 1, Attack 2, ...)
(Warning: We will most likely not use all the text you suggest. Or maybe we will change it)
(Information: If you request simple attacks or attacks that other bosses already have I will be able to create your boss faster)
- Blocks for the Boss Selection room
- Other Things (if there is anything else you want to mention)
- Why I should add you
Also if you vote something like very bad I might not feel like making a boss if you think it will be very bad anyway.
Goal is to get a boss done within a month.
(no class requests anymore)
You can also suggest classes e.g. one that unlocks after your boss is defeated
Suggest like this:
Special Items (like Enderpearls, Potion or golden apples):
Unlocked by (e.g. defeating your boss):
You can join the team!
We have another thread for applying. Please apply there:
- 96 Custom Bosses (Shadow, EnderPig, Riker, Queen Nefertiti, King, Mushroom Skeleton, Killer Rabbit, McTsts, Rachael, The Joker, derSimlas, Ender Lord, Gravel King, Skeleton1000X, SilverMaster, Zombie_1, Zombie Lord, Lava King, Bladez872, Enderwither, Nether Giant, Mllster, Nether_Say_Never, Ghost, Blood Mage, Noobcrew, Powerful Skeleton, Notch, Doofenshmirtz, The Technovore, Julius Caesar, Proxwarrior33, Quad, Missy, PopularMMOs, GamingWithJen, Emo Teenager, Flying Witch, XP Swarm, Noob, Spider Queen, Pig, Pirate, Pumpking, Elemental Creeper, Beetle, Thor, The Normal Person, TheDramon, Snow King, Mayor Slime, Undead Arrow, Werewolf, Storm, Penguin, Boulder Spirit, SSundee, MrCrainer, Shape Shifter, Furious, rafakado, Giant Ghast, Creetos, Frosty, Soulless Squid, Hacker, Dr. Trayaurus, Giant, Fire Mage, Blaze Zombie, Emotionless, Cakey, Rainbow Sheep, Xorvas, The Old Man, Redstone Bug, drySimlas, FrozenRiker, ForestSkeleton1000X, MightyEnderman, Air, Flying Zombie Lord, Iron Golem, Necromancer, Henk de Steen, Ender Priest, CheckMiner, Alien, Effect Master, Palpatine, Guardian Prince, Giant Wither, Veteran, Shulker Monarch, Savanna Knight, Evoker )
- Custom Classes
- Automatic Win Detection
- Player vs. Player Mode
- Player vs. Boss Mode
- Death/Kills Counter
- Rewards for defeating bosses
- Restarting System
- 8 Boss Selection Corridors
- Automatic Spawnpoint Mover
- Custom Items
- Unlock classes by defeating bosses
- Player Bosses
- Normal Bosses
- Structure Boss
- Custom Weapons
- Colored Signs
- Special Abilites on some items
- Many Challenges that unlock custom items
- Bosses based on 3d models
- Bosses with up to 36 attacks
- Unlockable Bosses
- Recommended Bosses
- Boss Randomizer
- Boss Finding System
Mushroom Skeleton:
A Remake of the Mushroom Boss in CBC/TstsCraft
- Attacks using Minions
- Rides a Mooshroom
- Several Attacks
Name: Riker
Mob/Entity: zombie pigman (unless it can't wear armor, if not just do a skeleton)
Armor: Gold
Weapon (..): Gold sword
Name: (Two names?)
Skull (?): none
Attacks:Throwing out a diamond block, gold block, or emerald block randomly. Diamond will explode with a medium blast radius, gold will inflict slowness, and emerald will inflict poison.
Arena: Precious gems
Queen Nefertiti:
A New Boss made by EnderPig
- Severals Attacks
- Uses Minions
A Remake of the King Boss from CBC/The Graveyard
- Each time the King gets hit he will summon an ally
- The King isnt strong
- But the Allies are
A New Boss made by McTsts
- The Boss is a pig
- Several Attacks
- Uses Minions
- End Gateways can make the battle more interesting
The Boss that started CBC II
- The Boss 'mirrors' the movements of one random Player
- Each time the Boss gets hit it will start a new random Phase
- These phases are e.g. Minions or Blindness
The first boss that is a structure in this map!
- Uses Minions
- Uses different attacks based on where you are
- Angry attacks when hit
- Hit buttons to remove health
Boss Idea by Rafakado, Made by McTsts
- Uses serveral attacks
- Can summon minions
- Is a witch
Killer Rabbit:
Another boss made by EnderPig
- Is a Killer Rabbit
- Uses minions
- Strong Leaping effect
- Several attacks
Ender Lord:
A remake of the player boss MegaCraft02 from CBC
- Sets the whole arena on fire
- Uses minions
- Can stun you
- Several attacks
Original Boss:
Quote from MegaCraft02next
i whant to be a BOSS
my IGN/minecraft username: MegaCraft02
Mob: skelleton
armor: Leather purple dyed all parts
weapon: enderBlade (dimond sword)
lore: ehh i dont have any lore ideas you can make one for me :)
arena 30x30 sized
biome: the end (blocks in the arena is endstone and obsidien)
Attack 1 lazer beam
attack 2 be super fast for 5 sec
attack 3 summon 5 endermites
attack 4 fly for 5 sec
SUPER ATTACK all endstone blocks sets on fire for 10 sec (you have to go to 1 of 3-4 obsidien plattforms and do so the boss is immune to fire)
Attacks:Shoots TNT,Diamond Block and Meteors (TNT explodes,Diamond Blocks takes you 4 Damage and Meteors are burning Netherrack Blocks, takes you on fire) Shoots Lightnings on you
Sword: A Diamond Sword with Sharpness 5 and Fire Aspect
Head: My Head(derSimlas)
Armor: Lime Leather Chestplate so strong like a Diamond Chestplate and Protection 3, Blue Leather Leggings so strong like Diamond Leggings and Protection 3
Minions:Baby Simlas with my Head, Green Leather Cheatplate, Blue Leather Leggings and a Diamond Sword
More Details: He have Happy Villager Particles, if he killed an Enderdragon Death Sound comes and he sits on a Wither
Biome:A Cave with many Ores, Nether,End and a Mine
Effects: He will have Lava Ressistance
Attributes: He will have the Speed from a Player and have Douple Knockback then Normal
Text:Beggining: Here is only place for one Pro Death:OK, OK, here is place for you and me Attack1 (TNT):BOOOM! Attack2 (Diamond Block):The Attack of PROS! Attack3 (Meteor): I like Space Attack4 (Lighting) LIGHTNING!
Color of Text:Begging: Red Death:Green Attack1:Green, Lime Attack2:LightBlue Attack3:Black and Gray Attack4:Yellow
Blocks for Selection Room:Diamond Blocks, Emerald Blocks, Netherrack,Endstone, Purpur Blocks and my Head
The Joker:
Another boss made by EnderPig!
- Several attacks
- Is not mad
- Uses minions
Quote from Zombiecreeper243next
So, I just finished playing the map (it was great!) and decided to get myself a boss :D
- Minecraft Name : Zombie_1
- Type of mob : Zombie
- Armor (if leather, which Color?) : Head(My Skull), Chestplate(Gold Chestplate), Leggings(Gold Leggings), Boots(Gray Leather Boots)
- Health : 300 (as much as the wither)
- Weapon (There are a variety of wepons in this map, e.g Mace/Battleaxe/Spear/Dagger/Swords/Staff/Trident/Hammer) : Staff of Zombie
- Effects (like Speed/Strenght) : none
- Attributes (like Knockback resistance/Movement Speed) : none
- Own Arena or already existing one? (if own, what size?) : Ender Pig's Arena
- Biome that you like (for Arena) : Sky Biome
- Attacks (between 0-5) : 1) Shoot Shulker Bullet, 2) Throw TNT, 3) Summon Dragon's Breath, 4) Make it Rain Anvils, 5) Summon Minions (Apprentice Wizards: Zombies with full purple leather armor)
- Text (beginning, Death, Attack 1, Attack 2, ...) : Beginning) "You DARE challenge me, you puny mortal?" Death) "WHAT? HOW COULD A PUNY MORTAL KILL ME??? NOOOOO!!!!" Attack 1) "HAH! Dodge this, MORTAL!" Attack 2) "I heard you like explosions... No? TOO BAD!" Attack 3) "HERE'S SOME DRAGON FIRE TO KEEP YOU WARM!" Attack 4) "Hope you brought an umbrella, 'cause if not, you're going to have a FLAT time!" Attack 5) "Apprentices, ATTACK!"
- Blocks for the Boss Selection room : Dark Green and Purple Wool!
Gravel King:
I started making weird bosses.. This is the first one..
- Part of it is Falling Gravel
- Uses gravel as a 'shield'
- Takes extreme fall damage
- Summons minions
- Uses several attacks
Quote from Skeleton1000XLeonnext
- Minecraft Name: Skeleton1000X
- Type of mob: Skeleton
- Armor: Protection V Iron Armor Set(Unbreakable) but cover with a skeleton skull with same properties as the iron armor
- Health: Around 150
- Weapon: Iron Sword /w Sharpness VI and Fire Aspect III(Unbreakable) Name: The Staff of Sealing
Effects: Resistance I, Strength I, Fire Resistance
- Attributes: Knockback resistance 0.3 Armor 15
- Just use a cool arena filled with netherbrick and cobblestone(The Middle of The World that's what I called it), there's a huge end portal at the middle but in there are just obsidian(where the boss spawned)
- A mix of Plains and Nether
- Attacks:1. First summon 10 zombies, and make the boss invulnerable 2.Zombies died and boss become vulnerable again and shoot arrows around him for 6 rounds. 3.The arena would have a block of lava and water appeared, tp the player into the lava, the player have to find the water to clear the fire. 4. 5 creepers summoned and the boss invulnerable again until the creepers died. 5. Boss's strength increase (and just recycle it but strength will keep raising up and when mobs are summoned the boss can't move and the liquid will disappear when player lands on the water everytime)
- Text (beginning: So you try to destroy the sealed pearl in order to find the Treasure Of Ender Gem? There is no way you could get it!)(attack 1: Guardian rise! Protect the land from this evil human!)
(attack 2: Stop! You are going to destory the world!)
(attack 3: You have risen the God of Evilness, go back or else you will die!)
(attack 4: Maybe a little of scaring explosion can change your mind!)
(attack 5: This is your warning, STRENGTH GAINED!)
(Player Death: Very well, you won't remember everything upon this again. Send him to the Duegeon of HUNGRY WOLVES!)
(Boss Death: Please, don't break the seal... I beg you...)
- Blocks for the Boss Selection room: Cobblestone mix with Nether Brick
:) I hope that's not too much for you.
P/s: This is based on my story that I wrote few months ago...
Boss Name: Silver Master
Type of Mob: Silverfish
Health: 350
Effects: Strength I
Arena: Medium sized
Arena look: sort of a dome made of stone and iron
Attack 1:summons 5 silverfish
Attack 2: spawns an iron block which explodes if the player goes near it
Attack 3: Shoots out arrows
Attack 4: spawns a "Silver Minion" which is a zombie in iron armor
Beginning: Welcome to my domain!
Attack 1: Meet my underlings!
Attack 2: This steel was made for you!
Attack 3: Try out some puncture wounds!
Attack 4: Fight my soldier!
Defeat: My selection of metal is now in your hands...
Blocks for boss selection thing: stone and iron
Zombie Lord:
This is the first boss that is a 'custom' entity!
- Uses Zombie based attacks
- Summons small Zombies (about 0.2 blocks tall)
- Is a big zombie (~3 blocks tall)
- Several attacks
Quote from Bladez8728next
Minecraft Name: Bladez872
Type of Mob: Skeleton
Armor: Head of Bladez872, Iron Chest with Thorns 2, Grey Leather Legs, Black Leather Boots with Protection 2
Health: 300
Weapon: Dagger of Slowness [Attack Speed:4,Damage:4.5] and applies slowness on hit, Color: Black
Effects: Speed 1, Jump Boost 3
Attributes: Deals no knockback to the player [wolves don't apply to this]
Arena: Medium sized
Biome: Ice dome with snow and snow blocks on the floor
Attack 1: Surrounds the Player with Ice,
Attack 2: Summon 2 wolves the attack the player,
Attack 3: Apply slowness 2 and wither 1 to the player for 5 seconds,
Attack 4: Boss becomes invunerable for 4 seconds
Attack 1: Freeze!
Attack 2: Wolves attack!!!
Attack 3: Deteriorate away in the cold.
Attack 4: Can't touch me now!
Blocks for the Boss Selection room: Snow, Spruce Wood Logs
Lava King:
This boss is interesting, because he's normally invulnerable.
- Uses many attacks
- Calls minions
- Can only be damaged when on ice
- Fire based attacks
Quote from Nathaniel411next
MC Name: Nathaniel411
Bossname: Enderwither
Mob: Wither skeleton
Head: I found one while searching for ender wither on planetminecraft, but its basically an enderman's head with a chunk of it as a wither
If you can't find it just use the head enderwither
Armor: First leather (black), then after tier 2 diamond
Weapon: Tier 1 is just his fists but tier 2 is a diamond sword
Tier 1 (Default appearance)
(Dialogue) I see, another on has come... Welcome (name) to your DEATH
Attack 1: Fires ender particles towards you which teleports you to a random location and damages 3 hearts
Attack 2: Teleports in front of you, although its a decoy, when you hit it his whole body turns to ender particles and the ender particles circle around your head, blocking your vision for 10 seconds
Attack 3: Now he really does teleport down, although this tiem he teleports like crazy and attacks you atleast 5 time before he floats back in the middle
After a while, he says
Looks like you are not as weak as I thought, (name)
Tier 2 (Smoke starts coming out of his withered eye)
Attack one: Fires and orange beam (If possible, if not then use fire particles instead) that follows you for 5 seconds
Attack 2: He teleports every time he hits you so you have to time it right, if you don't you get the blindness I told earlier
Attack 3: FIre particles come out of his hands and start changing the environment to the nether
Attack 4: Summons fire balls and throws it at you.
I'm all out of time so I would continue this tommorow
You requested the boss wrong. We will make it like this:
Attack 1: Fires ender particles towards you which teleports you to a random location and damages 3 hearts
Attack 2: Teleports in front of you, although its a decoy
Attack 3: Now he really does teleport although this time he teleports like crazy and attacks you atleast 5 time
Attack 4: Fire particles come out of his hands and start changing the environment to the nether
Attack 5: Summons fire balls and throws it at you.
Quote from Creeper_Crynext
Minecraft Name: Nether_Say_Never
- Type of mob: Wither Skeleton
- Armor: Black Leather Armor Nether_Say_Never's head
- Health:450 (See below)
- Weapon:Uses no melee attack (That's why it has a lot of health)
- Effects:Speed II
- Attributes :Defense 10
- Own Arena or already existing one? : Something Like a dungeon made of end stone bricks and pular Bricks(If that's how its spelled) with end rods hanging from the ceiling as light
- Biome that you like: End
- Attacks : Words As weapons
Attack 1:(1 to 5 Hearts)
Attack 2:(Levetation effect 10s)
Attack 3:(Slowness II 20s) NB:the slowness one should be common to stop the player from reaching me
Attack 4:(Wither I 10s)
Attack 5:(Spawns 3-5 endmites)
And Any Thing else that you can think of :)
- Text:
Start:I know why you are here and nay you shall get it
Attack 1:Nether_Say_Never Says Take Damage
Attack 2:Nether_Say_Never Says gravity is reversed
Attack 3:Nether_Say_Never Says Have Bricks as legs
Attack 4:Nether_Say_Never Says That You Have No Health
Attack 5:Nether_Say_Never Says that my creations be released
Death: Atlest i have chicken
- Blocks for the Boss Selection room: Purple glass,end stone and end rods sticking out
- Why I should add you: you said only if many people are there so I don't know?
This is the first boss in this map made by Mllster
- Several attacks
- Two different modes
- Interesting arena use
- Rides a Blaze riding a Magma Cube
This is the first boss made by Troller4Ever
- Boss is a ghast
- Can't be instant killed with fireballs (that's normal for ghasts)
- Several attacks
- Minions
This is another boss made by EnderPig
- Is a ghost
- Invisible, but glowing shows where the boss is
- Several attacks
- Uses Minions
Blood Mage:
This boss made by me won the poll!
- Uses Blood magic
- Several attacks
- Does 'blood rituals'
- Uses minions
Boss Name:Noobcrew (The Creator of Skyblock)
Armor:Diamond Chestplate and Diamond Leggings
Sword:Skyblock Sword (Skyblue Sword with Grass on it and 9 Attack Damage)
Attack1:Summon Baby Zombies named Baby Noobcrew with a Diamond Sword
Attack2:Sets Mini Wool Blocks, If you come into contact with them you will get Nausea and Poison for 10 Seconds
Attack3:You get Levitation for 10 Seconds
Text(Beggining):That,s my Skyblock World!
Text(Attack1):Rise my Babys
Text(Attack2):Taste my Clouds
Text(Attack3):Fly into the Sky
Text(Death):Why have I losed? Noooo
Powerful Skeleton:
Another CBC remake
- Several attacks
- Uses magical bones
- Attacks using tons of mionions
Mllster's Notch Boss won the poll with 42.1 %
- Several attacks
- ArmorStands
- Powerful attacks
New Boss Idea:
Name:Heinz Doofenschmirtz
Armor: White Leather Armor, Cactus Green Leather Leggings and black Leather Boots
Arena:Doofenschmirtz, apartment
Attack 1:Take you 2 Hearts
Attack 2:Take you on fire
Attack 3:You get Levitation for 3 Seconds
Attack 4:Summon a Zombie with blue Leather Armor and Steve Head named Norm
Attack 5:Summon three Creepers
Text Beggining:Heäh,[Name] the Platypus
Text Attack 1:That,s my Damage-Inator
Text Attack 2:That,s my Takes-you-on-fire-Inator
Text Attack 3:That,s my Levitate-Inator
Text Attack 4:Norm, help me
Text Attack 5:That,s my Creep-Inator
Text Death:Cursed are you,[Name] the Platypus
The Technovore:
I'd like to suggest a boss, mainly because a Boss based off my name would be pretty sweet ;P
So here are my Ideas.
Minecraft Name: The_Technovore
Boss Name: The Technovore
Type of Mob: Wither Skeleton
Armor: Gold Helm (Prot III, Unbreak V) ; Bright Aqua Leather Chestplate (Prot IV, UnBreak VI (I'm pretty sure you can do that right? XD); Bright Red Leather Leggings (Unbreak VI); Diamond Boots
Health: 575
Weapon: Bright Red Trident (I'm assuming since you can make custom weapons, you can also make them any color you like, but if you can't that's totally cool :) ) Weapon Enchants: Sharpness III, Knockback IV
Effects: Slowness 1; Resistance III (if that's a thing ;P), Regen I, Leaping II
Attributes (Knockback Resistance -2 (yes I'm serious ;P))
Own Arena=true; Size= 20x20
Arena Color scheme: Black and Teal; Thunderstorm weather.
Attack 1: Two Ghast Fireballs, fired 0.5 seconds apart, at the player.
Attack 2: 8 Blaze Fireballs, at normal rate, at the player.
Attack 3: Jumps into the air, lands in ground pound attack that inflicts 3 hearts damage and slowness 3 for 2 seconds.
Attack 4: 50-75 Arrows fire in VERY rapid succession around the Technovore, going outward in a circle (if that made any sense)
Attack 5: 15-25 Lightning bolts strike the battle field randomly, over a period of 6 seconds
Text: ( Battle Start: “This world is just a game for you isn’t it? You come along, you slay us, you loot us, and you move on. Will you even finish the job? Or will you become bored of us and discard us? You think yourself a god, a ruler of this realm. Well I’ve got a message for ya buddy. Y o u w i l l s t o p h e r e.” ; Death: “Hergh… well… good job kid… hope you’re proud of yourself… you beat me… although… … I don’t really exist do I? I’ll be erased, and it’ll be like it never happened… you’ll move on… beat the rest of them… and then leave forever… heh… welp, I’m gonna grab some donuts… You want anything Noobcrew?”) {that’s some pretty meta crap right there XD}
Blocks for Boss selection room: Diamond Blocks, Obsidian
Why you should add me: Because this fight puts the role of the player into perspective… and hits them with a truckload of feels. A meta fight like this would be a pretty unique addition to the map. (but that’s just how I feel. ;) )
Julius Caesar:
Quote from proxwarrior33nextName:Julius Ceaser
Critical Slash (strong critical attack) rare
Shunt (blocks back attacks and damages the player
Head: Iron helmet
Armor: chain mail /w protection III
Holds a red with yellow lines and a black star shield
Minions:Legions (Zombies /w 50 HP Wearing chainmail and armed with a short sword and a shield with red with yellow lines and a black star on it)
More Details:no particles ,when on death makes a villager death sound and drops a sword and banner
Arena: Colosseium
Effects: He will have Resistance I and Strength II
Attributes: He moves faster than a player (Regenarates)
Text:Beggining: You dare to challenge me im julius ceaser
attack1: Charge!
attack2: Nice try but u wont beat me
SummoningMinions: Legions come and join me
Death: Wow you put up a great fight congrats ur free to go
Test color:Gold
Blocks for Selection Room:Gold,quartz pillar, red_wool,yellow_wool, sandstone and wooden_arrow_pointing_down
Quote from proxwarrior33next
Throws Potions with the effects of III
Launches player in air but rarely
Places a witherfield (circle of smoke that does wither II) where the players at
Casts frostbursts (a burst of snow that gives slowness III)
Teslastorm (Summons Lightning that strikes 3 times)
Sword: A Bow with Power III and Punch VII And also flame III also has a chance of putting levatation on the player
Head: Camera (as the head)
Armor: All leather but two black and two green but all are enchanted with thorns I and prote
Minions:evil clouds = evil live clouds (invisible silverfish with cloudy effect with 12 HP )
More Details: He have Firework Sparkle particles , if he killed an a wither death effect sound plays and causes a big explosion
Arena:Pyramid (in the download for you)
Link Removed:
Biome:In a cave
Effects: He will have Regeneration III and fire and normal resistance II
Attributes: He has same speed as the player and life absorption (heals of attacking player)
You dare enter my pyramid
attack1: Do u like my new potions?
attack2: Up you go!
attack3: Feeling withered?
attack4: Am i givng u the cold shoulder?
attack5: Lightning strikes twice? ha how about three times!
SummoningMinions: I can cast clouds can u teach that?
Death: Darn you beat me! well fine. treasures yours!
Color of Text:Beggining:
Entrance: Gold
Attack1: purple
attack:2 white
attack:3 black
attack4: cyan
attack5: yellow
Death: Red
Blocks for Selection Room:Dispenser, double_stone_slab, purple_wool,stonebrick chisled, stonebrick and camera
A remake of Quad from CBC
- Many attacks
- Stone based attacks
- Minions
- (Flight)
- Powerful
A boss with multiple lives made by EnderPig
- Can regenerate
- Minions
- Different attacks
Quote from proxwarrior33next
I got two youtuber bosses as ideas if u want
Invisible Strike = (Deals Harming II to its target)
Sup drop = (Drops 3x3x3 Of Gravel on his target)
Opness = Drops an arrow that deals 10 damage 5 hearts)
So Spooky (places a field of fire 5x5)
Taunt attack (Summons 4 Bobs to defend him)
Drop Diamond Sword /w 12 Attack
Head: FuriousDestroyers
Armor: colors of popularmmos skin
Holds a Lich kings sword
Minions:Bob (Zombie with All Diamond armor and a sword with enchantments with levels between 4/5)
More Details:no particles it slower than the player but is very resistant
Arena:Mini version of Pats Arena (Popularmmos Arena)
Effects: He will have Resistance III and Regeneration II
Attributes: He moves very slow and regenerates faster when on glowing redstone_lamps
Text:Beggining: Hey my name is pat nice to meet you
Attack1: Yo
Attack2: Sup doods
Attack3: Opness
Attack4: So Spookay
SummoningMinions: #Screwed
Death: Nooooo you win this time playername GG
Test color:Cyan
Blocks for Selection diamond, black_wool,obsdian, diamond_ore and grey_wool
Balling shot = (throws rocks at you that Deals 3 hearts of damage)
Spookay fall = (Rains arrows with orange particles on top of her target)
Overpness drop = Drops an unlucky potion above her target)
So mean trap = (Places you in a 3x3x3 cobwebs)
Ooooh call = (Summons 16 floating pink wool)
Drop Rose with 17+ Attack
Head: Supergirlygamers
Armor: colors of pink
wields A Rose with 17 attack
Minions: Floating pink wool (unpickupable pink wool item form riding invisible silverfish that has 4 HP & deals 1 Attack damage)
More Details:no particles it slower than the player but is very resistant
Arena:Pink and purple arena with flowers (Popularmmos Arena)
Effects: She will have Resistance I and Regeneration I
Attributes: She moves a slow bit slower than the player heals when near flowers )
Text:Beggining: Hey its jen here
Attack1: Balling
Attack2: Spookay!
Attack3: Overpness
Attack4: playername your so mean (Calls her target mean)
SummoningMinions: Oooh
Death: Nooooo why you beat me again why
Test color:Pink
Blocks for Selection pink_wool,red_wool, purple and jungle_planks
Emo Teenager:
Quote from dangerousdiamondnext
- Minecraft Name: GhosTeam20000
- Boss Name: Emo Teenager
- Type of Mob: Wither Skeleton
- Armor: Black Leather Armor
- Health: 563
- Weapon: Sword (Knockback and Wither Effects)
- Effects: Resistance
- Attributes: Slow But Strong
- Own Arena
- What should it be? (for Arena): Dark Room-like Arena With Posters of Bands Like My Chemical Romance And Such.
- Arena name: The Emo Room
- Attacks: A Blindness Effect, A Short Wither Effect, And A Slowness Effect.
- Text:
-- Start
-- Attack 1: Hello Darkness, My Old Friend...
-- Attack 2: The Black Poison Will Consume You...
-- Attack 3: Time Won't Go By...
-- Death: Goodbye, Cruel World.
- Blocks for the Boss Selection room: Black Wool, Maybe Maps Used As Posters.
- Other Things (if there is anything else you want to mention): NONE!
- Why I should add you: I played your map with my friend from Israel, we barely talk anymore and your map brought us back together. We beat all bosses (except for challenges) and LOVED IT! Your map also inspired me to make my own map again, something i haven't tries in over 3 Years (1/4 of my life).
Flying Witch:
Suggestion: Flying witch
Description: Just a normal witch, with normal (witch) health and normal (witch) attacks. Riding an immortal bat.
Arena: Glass dome leading to the void.
There is a command block to summon a salled pig riding a bat.
Landing a single hit should be hard enough.
XP Swarm:
This boss won the poll. I don't know why.
- Is multiple entitys
- A bit weird?
- Poisons you
Another boss made by EnderPig
- Doesnt know what minecraft is
- Likes orange juice
- Multiple attacks
Spider Queen:
The first boss that is a spider.
- Is a spider
- Minions
- Multiple attacks
A pig boss.
- Is to fast
- Attacks you
- Many attacks
A pirate boss made by Mllster
- Multiple attacks
- Can dual wield
A boss made by Troller4Ever
- A lot of attacks
- Different types of minions
- Likes pumpkins
Elemental Creeper:
A boss bases one 3d models made by me.
- 3 different modes: Fire, Water & Lightning
- Different attacks for each mode
- Minions
A completely custom mob boss made by me. I created the model inspired by Firehazurd's Goliath Beetle Suggestion
- Different attacks
- Custom Model & Texture
- Minions
Firehazurd's Goliath Beetle Suggestion:
Quote from proxwarrior33next
Lightning strike (strikes lightning at player)
Shock from asgard (Strikes Lightning around him)
Summons Asgardians
Head: Thor's Head
Armor: colors of thors armour
Holds A Hammer
Minions:Asuardians (with chainmail and armed with gold swords)
More Details:no particles ,when on death makes a villager death sound and drops a sword and banner
Arena: Asgard (a realm)
Effects: He will have Resistance III and Strength I and fire resistance II
Attributes: He moves a bit more slower than a player (heals his self with lightning)
Text:Beggining: You dare enter asgard not on my watch
attack1: you know lightning strikes twice !
attack2: Im the god of thunder
SummoningMinions: asguardians help me
Death: Wow you put up a good fight ur truly a hero
Test color:Gold
Blocks for Selection Room:yellow_stained_clay, blue_wool,gold_block, gold_ore and thor_head
The Normal Person:
After playing the map and defeating all the bosses (with more or less difficulty), I came back to this thread to suggest a new boss:
The normal person
- Stage 1:
- Location: Small house with a kitchen and all the normal usual stuff.
- "Ennemy" is the normal person wearing leather armor dyed to look like Steve's clothes. Also wears a normal head. Does no damage. Has 20 health. Holds a water
bucketcup.- Uppon killing triggers stage 2.
- Instead of attacks, says nice things as:
- "It's a beautiful day outside, isn't it?"
- "How are you doing today?"
- "I am a normal person."
- "I should have some cake left in the kitchen."
- "The restroom is upstairs. Just in case, you know."
- "Do you like my flowers?"
- etc.
- Stage 2:
- Obviously based on OFF.
- A single colored wool 10x10x10 room with a random color (from the 16 wool colors) which doesnt change.
- Ennemy is a cat named The Judge with 500 HP.
- Attacks: Summon add-ons (summons the 3 add-ons from OFF (each has 15 HP and does 10 damages)), stun, slowing down, call purifier (summons The Batter (20 HP, 7.5 damages)).
- Starts with a dialogue (should look like the end dialogue of OFF).

Quote from koninglifesnakenext
Minecraft name: TheDramon
Boss Name: The Dramon
Type of Mob: Skeleton With Black leather armor and my head
Health: 400
Effects: Strength II knockback l
Arena: Medium sized
Arena look: obsidian blimp. can i please build my arena myself?
Attack 1: spawns an enderdragon with 30 health
Attack 2: he has a giant obsidian greatsword for 30 seconds and only when he does this attack he gets speed 3
Attack 3: shoots a laser beam. (please do a red beam)
Attack 4: spawns "Robot Minions" which are zombie with a Cyborg head on and weak iron armor
Beginning: Intruder detected. Ready to destroy Intruder.
Attack 1: Endorius!
Attack 2: Activate greatsword!
Attack 3: activate laser beam!
Attack 4: calling reinforcements!
Blocks for boss selection thing: Obsidian greatsword
Quote from proxwarrior33next
awesome new youtuber bosses for you
Punch him = (Deals Harming I to its target)
Cobblestone throw = (Tosses cobblestone at target)
#Yes! = (lifts a player with levitation III)
LEL!! (Summons a fake tnt at a players location)
Protect and Serve (Summons 2 Sundee Guards)
Drop SSundee Sword /w 4 Attack
Head: SSundee
Armor: colors of ssundees skin
Holds a Golden sword but with spikes on blade
Minions:Sundee Guard (Zombie with 30HP and whitish leather armor armed with a sword also holds a black shield that has a grey dot in the middle)
Arena:SSundee's Arena
Effects: He will have Resistance II
Attributes: He moves very slow and can buff minions speed if minions get close to him
Text:Beggining: Hey Guys/gal its Sundee here
Attack1: Punch him!
Attack2: Cobblestone = Life
Attack3: #yes
Attack4: Lel
SummoningMinions: Protect and Serve
Death: GG Again lol you win GG. GG
Test color:White
Blocks for Selection wool_grey wool,gold_ore, iron_ore and sundees head
Mayor Slime:
The first Slime Boss! Created by EnderPig
- Gigantic Slime
- I don't think he's actually evil
- Many attacks
- Minions
- Has allies in the nether
Undead Arrow:
Is this boss an arrow? Yes. Am I making weird bosses? Yes.
- The boss is an arrow (or actually two)
- Attacks like minecraft mobs
- Multiple attacks
This boss has a slightly modified AI which makes it very interesting. (Remake of a CBC I Boss)
- Jumps at you
- Summons minions
- Very fast
- Multiple attacks
Original Boss:
Quote from werewolf117next
- Minecraft Name: werewolf117
- Type of mob:Wither Skeleton
- Armor: Leather (Dark grey) + my head
- Weapon: None
- Effects: Speed V, Jump Boost 3
- Own Arena: Yes, Medium sized.
- Biome: Roofed Forest
- Attacks: Charge, summon wolves, Random teleport
- Attributes: High attack, Decent Health, Less knockback resistance (in the negatives)- Text: Howl
- Color of text: Grey
- Voice: Yes, what you think a werewolf would sound like.
- Blocks for the Boss selection room: Coal and stone
Thank You.
And another redstoner joined the team! Antrobot123's first boss! (Also pretty unique)
- Is a strom cloud
- Multiple attacks
- To kill it hit the eye of the storm
- Weather based attacks
A Penguin boss! This boss is based on two skulls!
- Multiple attacks
- Snow based attacks
- Summons cute explosive baby penguins
- Summons minions
Boulder Spirit:
A complelty custom boss created by me.I again created the model inspired by Firehazurd (Boulder Sprite Suggestion)
- Completly custom mob
- Summons minions
- Attacks using stone
- Multiple stages
Firehazurd's Boulder Sprite Suggestion:
awesome new youtuber bosses for you
Roasted = (Sets target on fire)
Lol spray = (Places a potion field that deals potion of harming III but doesnt last very long )
Yay = (puts a levitation V effect on the player for 5 second)
Calls the player (Drops a large circle of arrows)
Dirt call (Summons 4 Dirt warriors)
Drop Red sword with a white handle /w 7 Attack
Head: MrCrainer
Armor: colors of crainers sword
Holds a red sword with a white handle
Minions: Dirt warrior a zombie with 10HP and has a dirt block on its head with dirtish armor)
Arena:Crainer's Arena
Effects: He will have Resistance I Regen III
Attributes: He moves very slow
Text:Beggining: Hello crazie family
Attack1: Player just got roasted
Attack2: Lelelelel!
Attack3: Yay
Attack4: player! (in caps lock)
SummoningMinions: Dirt = Life
Death: Noooooo not again
Test color:Red
Blocks for Selection wool_red wool,iron_ore, quartz_ore and crainers head
Shape Shifter:
This boss is pretty unique. I created 36 armorstands based on all Minecraft Mobs. The Shape Shifter changes between these 36 shapes and does attacks at the same time. I also want to mention that this boss uses the best arena created by me so far. I'm really proud of it. Yay. Pictures of all shapes can be found in the first reply on this thread by me. Here a list of all shapes:
- Guardian
- Horse
- Blaze
- Cat
- Creeper
- Chicken
- Bat
- Zombie Pigman
- Zombie
- Wolf
- Wither Skeleton
- Wither
- Villager
- Witch
- Squid
- Ender Dragon
- Pufferfish
- Spider
- Snow Golem
- Slime
- Skeleton
- Silverfish
- Sheep
- Magma Cube
- Polar Bear
- Pig
- Ghast
- Cow
- Shulker
- Rabbit
- Endermite
- Enderman
- Ender Dragon II
- Iron Golem
- Husk
- Stray
First boss requested on twitter
- Minecraft Name - TaintLight
- Boss Name - Furious
- Type of mob - Zombie
- Armor - Protection V Iron
- Health - 650
- Weapon - Diamond BattleAxe, Sharpness 3, Fire Aspect I
- Effects - Strenght I
- Attributes - Resistance I
- Own Arena or already existing one? Own 20x20
- What should it be? Obsidian Dome with little lighting
- Arena name (optional) The Dark Beyond
- Attacks - Attack 1: Fireball directly at target
Attack 2: Lightning strike on target
Attack 3: Explodes with extreme fury firing fireballs in all directions and summoning Lighting strikes repeatedly for 3 sec
Attack 4: Melee attacks now wither the target for 5 sec
Attack 5: Summons an earthquake that deals 4 hearts no matter the armor
- Text - Begin: You'll regret ever coming here.
Attack 1: BURN TO ASHES!
Attack 3: IT ENDS NOW!
Defeat: Ughhh I've been bested...Well done warrior.
- Blocks for the Boss Selection room - Obsidian and Coal Blocks
- Other Things - Feel free to Nerf or buff anything to help the creation process :D
- Why I should add you - Because i'll love you forever. ._.
Requested by one of the builders (rafakado). Based on custom 3d models.
- Custom weapons & mob
- Many attacks
- Summons minions
- Throws shuriken
Giant Ghast:
The second structure boss (finally!). Built by CheckMiner. Redstone done by me
- 3 Structure attacks
- 3 Normal attacks
- 4 Hurt attacks
- Summons minions
- Kill by shooting arrows
Recreation of a Boss from the first Custom Boss Collection
- Block all beacons to fight the boss
- Confusing Particles
- Many attacks
- Minions
Original Boss:
Quote from ThecreeperUniversenext
my IGN is TCUofficial, though I would love it if my custom name for the boss fight was Creetos
I think I should have a central nexus (aka beacon) in the middle of the arena and others in the 4 cardinal directions
once the central one is destroyed I will start to attack with a sword/axe and summon creeper minions, (and possibly a few wither skeletons to make it challenging)
Finally a Polar Bear Boss!
- Minions
- Many attacks
- Snow based attacks (...)
Soulless Squid:
The third structure Boss in this map.
- Many attacks
- Different minions
- Water based attacks
This boss would never hack.
- Fly hacks
- Critical hacks
- Regeneration hacks
- Kill aura
- Many attacks
- Doesn't hack
Dr. Trayaurus:
The skeleton does the attacks for this boss
- Switches between 4 arenas
- Many attacks
- Summons minions
This boss is pretty big (It's a giant...)
- Many attacks
- Summons minions (e.g. different sized Zombies)
- Is big
Fire Mage:
Two stages. Destory all Fire Cores to make the boss vulnerable
- Many attacks
- Fire Cores
- Fire based attacks & minions
Blaze Zombie:
Recreation of a CBC Boss. (But here it actually works)
- Changes between being a Zombie and a Blaze
- Minions
- Fire based attacks
Original Boss:
Hughes 5ive Gaming (on YouTube):
"Well I don't know what type of setup you would be using but I guess I would like to be a blaze because I like fighting long rang but I can still hit hard if you get in arms reach of me & the health part give me a good amount but not so much that the fight lasts for a long time."
Remade version of a Boss requested by a CBC Beta Tester
- Over 40 different minions
- Lots of attacks
- Very powerful
- Nether theme
- Can even summon the wither
Original Boss:
Quote from firecamo321next
I thought of a boss fight idea.
By the way this map was AMAZING! I LOVED IT TO DEATH!!!
Nickname (aka my bosses name)- Emotionless
Mob- Wither Skeleton
Armour- Gold Helmet, Diamond Chestpiece, Iron Leggings, Black Leather Boots.
Weapon- Iron sword with Knockback III Or Sharpness II
Effects- Speed II, Nether Portal Particles, Regeneration 6 and Resistance 8 Until His Ultimate Soldier is killed.
Arena- Yes, Large size please.
Biome- Nether Castle Looking (aka a castle built out of nether materials)
Voice- Demonic
When player dies, what Emotionless says- "Ha! I knew you were a pathetic fool!
Stage 1:
He starts of saying this: "How do you think you can slay me? Pathetic fools trying to kill me."
As soon as minions spawn: "Slaughter him, My minions!"
Minion: A skeleton with White Leather armor, Stone sword with sharpness II, Speed III. 30 Hit points (15 Hearts)
Emotionless stays on top of a platform where you cannot reach him. He Summons 6 Minions to go down and kill you, once you kill his minions, a companion says "Quick! Let me teleport you in there!" He teleports you and you have to destroy the beacon. Just click the button. Once the beacon is desroyed, Emotionless will say "How dare you destroy my prized Jem!" and stage 2, commences.
Stage 2:
He starts of by saying this "You may have destroyed my Jem, but you will not destroy this!"
As soon as Emotion spawns: "No escaping this now!"Setting you on fire: "Burn, you fool! Burn!
Summons minions: "Minions! Come help me slaughter this fool!
Striking lightning: "Die to mother nature!
Teleporting behind you: "Suprise pathetic fool!
Emotion: Zombie,Full Iron armor, Stone sword with sharpness II, Emotion's Special attacks: Summons 2 Minions (the previous ones in stage one) Aids him in fighting you, Strike lightning on your FACE (dosen't set you on fire, just dose about 1 1/2 hearts), Set you on fire, Teleport behind you.
After you have destroyed the beacon, Emotionless will summon his most powerful minion, Emotion. This stage is pretty Self-Explanatory, Just kill Emotion. After you have killed Emotion, Emotionless says this: "How is this even possible!? No worries, you will see pain now." and after that, stage 3 commences.
Stage 3:
Emotionless: Wither Skeleton, Gold helmet, Diamond Chestplate, Iron leggings, Black Leather Boots, Speed II, Strength II, 500 Hit points (250 hearts), Lava, fire, and Nether portal particles when he walks.
He starts off by saying this: "You think that was hard? Oh ho ho, this is just the beginning, my friend."
Special Attacks: Shoots a fireball at you, summons 2 minions (Like Emotion), Strikes lightning on you, Knocks you back about 15 blocks sometimes, Shoots wither Skulls.
Shooting Fireball: "Burn, you pathetic fool, burn."
Striking lightning: "Is it just me or is it a little rainy today? Muhahahahaha."
Knocking you back: "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?"
Shooting wither skulls: "MY SERVANT SHALL AID ME!"
Straight forward again, Kill Emotionless. One you kill him, he says: "Now you've done it." and Stage 4 commences!
Stage 4:
He starts off by saying "You will not get out of this alive, but I will."
ENRAGED Emotioness: Diamond Chestplate and leggings, Iron boots, Gold Helmet, Speed III, Strength II, 750 Hit points (375 Hearts), Iron sword with sharpness 2.
Special attacks: The same attacks as in stage 3, TRIPLE wither Skulls, TRIPLE fireballs, Summons 4 MINIONS INSTEAD OF 2, knocks you in to the air about 6 blocks.
Shooting Fireball: "Burn, you pathetic fool, burn."
Striking lightning: "Is it just me or is it a little rainy today? Muhahahahaha."
Knocking you back: "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?"
Shooting wither skulls: "MY SERVANT SHALL AID ME!"
TRIPLE wither skulls: "We must kill him together!"
TRIPLE fireballs: "Beast of the underworld, aid me!"
4 MINIONS: "More of the beasts of the underworld shall aid me!"
Knocks you in to the air: "ARE YOU TRYING TO COMMIT SUICIDE!?
Again, Straight Foward, kill him. His death message:
What? How have you defeated me?! I may not be back, but you won't stop the others from slaying you, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" and then he dies.
What he drops: King's Crown. Protection 6, Projectile Protection 6, Fire Protection 6.
Ok, now THAT is a challenging boss fight, (If you add this one) you should put it near the end so players have good enough gear to actually kill the bloody thing.
1. Hope this gets added! 2. I hope you very much like it.
A cake boss
- Cake
- Cookies
- Pie
- More Cake
- Isn't a lie
Rainbow Sheep:
Another Boss that won the poll
- Changes color
- Many attacks
- has minions

I liked it, myself; creative boss design and effects, amazing-looking arenas, etc.
So, here's my boss request:
Minecraft Name: MK_10
Boss Name: Xorvas
Type of Mob: Zombie
Armor: MK_10's Head, Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, and Iron Boots. All enchanted with Thorns I.
Health: 500
Weapon: Probably a sword or staff of some sort.
Effects: Speed I, Resistance I
Attributes: KnockbackResistance 2.
Own Arena, probably about 50 blocks in x axis, 10 in y axis, and 50 in z axis.
What should it be?: A white-and-teal palace or castle, with a sort of ghostly vibe. Some blocks that appear to be bobbing up and down in mid-air would be nice, but that's optional. Maybe add a few futuristic elements in it, too.
Arena Name: Spectral Citadel
Attacks: All 5.
Attack 1 would have me/him summon 5 invisible minions (skeletons) with swords, to create the effect of floating/haunted swords.
Attack 2 would have me/him slow down the player and/or boost my/his speed for 10 seconds.
Attack 3 would have me/him shoot lasers (from invisible Guardians) from a structure in the middle of the arena.
Attack 4 would have me/him put a levitation effect on myself/himself and the player that lasts for 10 seconds.
Attack 5 would have 3 lightning bolts strike the player one at a time, with a half of a second between each one.
Beginning: "Foolish mortal; do you really believe you can defeat me?"
Death: "NO! ...How is this possible?"
Attack 1: "En garde!"
Attack 2: "You cannot defeat me."
Attack 3: "(a mash of obfuscated text, to create the effect of an alien language)"
Attack 4: "Don't even try."
Attack 5: "FEEL MY WRATH!"
Blocks for the Boss Selection room: Quartz and Sea Lanterns.
Other things: None.
Why should you add me: I enjoyed the map, but I think it needs a bit more variation in the mix. <sub>Plus, you gotta admit this would be a pretty neat boss battle.</sub>
The Old Man:

Requested on Google Forms
Iron Golem:
An actually pretty old boss we forgot to release
- Iron based attacks
- Very strong
- Many minions
This is not really a remake of Necro, but it was supposed to be
- Summons lots of undeads
- Undead themed attacks
- Has many minions
Henk de Steen:
A boss requested by rafakado, that does nothing
- Useless
- Does nothing
- Is useless
Ender Priest:
Remake of EnderPriest in Glimford by EnderPig
- Starts as blocks
- Many attacks
- Ender based attacks
Requested by CheckMiner, one of the builders
- Drops sand
- Many attacks
- No skull anymore :/
A very cool, but hard structure boss
- Many attacks
- Alien based attacks
- Weird attacks
Effect Master:
First and only boss created by DarsilvaPlayx
- Effect based attacks
- Giant Arena
- Many attacks
A cool boss created by EnderPig
- Uses the force
- Is evil
- Has a lightsaber
Guardian Prince:
Another pretty old boss that was never released
- Many attacks
- Water based attacks
- Guardian based attacks
Redstone Bug:
A secret boss that can only be found by the boss finder using green-green-green-green or purple-purple....
- Uses errors
Error not more information
The first edited boss that can only be found by the boss finder
- Simlas attacks
- Queen attacks
- Secret
Frozen Riker:
The second edited boss, that can only be found by the boss finder
- Riker attacks
- Frost attacks
- Secret
Forest Skeleton1000X:
Another edited boss, that can only be found by the finder
- Werewolf attacks
- Skeleton1000X attacks
- Secret
Mighty Enderman:
The last structure boss
- Ender based attacks
- End based bad puns
- Can get angry
A boss that doesnt exist and can only be found by the boss finder
- Is Air-Air themed
- Doesnt exist
- You can breathe it away
Flying Zombie Lord:
The last edited boss, that can only be found by the boss finder
- Above the FlowerPower and ZombieLord Arenas
- Flies around
- ZombieLord attacks
Giant Wither:
I forgot to add this boss...
- Giant Wither
- Shoots Fireballs
- Many attacks & minions
- Attack it using either bow or elytra & sword
We didn't have an arena for this boss so we didn't add it...
- On the bottom of the Cliffside Arena
- Many attacks
- Only boss made by rafakado
Shulker Monarch:
A shulker with 16 colors using the new 1.11 feature
- 16 Attacks / Phases
- Attacks based on color
- Many attacks & Minions
Savanna Knight:
A husk riding a llama
- Savanna themed
- Boss is riding a llama
- Llama based attacks
That's a pretty unique name. Calling a Evoker that is a boss 'Evoker'.. I need better ideas for names
- Normal Evoker Attacks
- More Evocation Fangs attacks
- Special Vex Minions
- Vindicator Minions
- Many attacks
Other Stuff:
Challenges can be found by starting the Player vs. Boss mode and then clicking the Challenge Corridor Button. Completing challenges can give you rewards.
All Challenges:
- Defeat McTsts with 15 lives
- Defeat EnderPig with nausea
- Defeat Nether Giant with blindness
- Defeat Ghost in 20 seconds
- Defeat EnderPig in 1 miniute
- Defeat Quad or Mushroom Skeleton whilst fighting both
- Defeat Gravel King whilst rotating
- Defeating The Joker with particles
- Defeat Noobcrew with extreme speed
- Defeat Zombie 1 on the Teleport Arena
- Defeat Blood Mage without jumping
- Defeat Nether Giant or McTsts whilst fighting both
- Defeat Riker with extreme Jump boost
- Defeat an invisible Silver Master
- Defeat King with a pumpkin on your head
- Defeat Pumpking with a pumpkin on your head
Boss Finder:
The boss finder is a room that can be found in the Boss Selection room
- Look for a boss with specific criteria
- Select a random boss
- Unlock secret bosses
- Find eastereggs
- Find hidden classes
& more
Leather armor & powerful gold block
Unlock: Kill King
Leather armor, sword & bow
Unlock: Kill Queen
Gold armor, golden sword & golden apples
Unlock: Kill Riker
Leather armor, golden scythe & many potions (e.g. Invisbility, Health & Strenght)
Unlock: Kill Rachael
Leather armor, stone battleaxe & faster falling speed
Unlock: Kill Gravel King
Leather armor, ender sword & ender pearls
Unlock: Kill Ender Lord
Quote from Bladez8728next
If you can I would like to have a class for defeating Bladez872.
Name: Bladez872
Helmet: Head of Bladez872
Chestplate: Iron Chestplate
Leggings: Grey Leather Legs
Boots: Black Leather Boots prot 1
Weapon: Weapon from the Boss
Unlocked by: Defeating Bladez872
Silver Miner:
Name: Silver Miner
Armor: iron helmet, iron boots, and light gray chestplate
Weapon: Steel Sword (darker retexture of an iron sword) does 7 damage
Special Items: none
How to get it: by defeating the Silver Master
Leather chestplate, powerful blood sword & 8 blood for powerful blood rituals
Unlock: Kill Blood Mage
Quote from Skeleton1000XLeonnextName: Sealer
Armor: Protection III Iron Armor Set
Weapon: The Staff thing from the boss
Special Items: 3 Resistance I Potion(00.15)
How to get it: By defeat Skeleton1000X
Iron armor & iron sword
Unlock: Start the map
Leather armor, wooden sword & bow
Unlock: Start the map
Iron armor & diamond sword
Unlock: Play PvP mode
Leather armor, wooden sword & many health/regeneration potions (e.g. Splash Health II or Normal Regeneration)
Unlock: Kill 5 Bosses
Leather armor & wooden sword with insane knockback
Unlock: Kill 20 Bosses
Leather armor & powerful sword (sword can do a poison AoE attack every 10 seconds by right-clicking)
Unlock: Kill McTsts
Leather armor & powerful battleaxe
Unlock: Kill EnderPig
Leather armor, sword & Splash Potions of Poison
Unlock: Kill Mushroom Skeleton
Leather armor, weapon & speed potion
Unlock: Kill Pig
Leather armor, weapon & poison potions
Unlock: Kill Spider Queen
Leather armor & bow + quiver (Quiver can give 64 arrows and shoot an arrow at everything by right-clickin every 5 seconds)
Unlock: Complete Nether Giant Blindness Challenge
Leather armor & weapon
Unlock: Defeat The Joker
Depends on progress
Unlock: Start the map
Special: By completing different challenges many items for this class can be unlocked
Leather Armor, Weapon, Explosive Gunpowder & Throwable Tnt
Unlock: Defeat Elemental Creeper
Leather armor, Weapon & Shield
Unlock: Defeat Mllster
Shape Shifter:
Shape Shifter Staff (can change shapes)
Unlock: Defeat Shape Shifter
Cave Spider (McTsts Class with different armor)
Spider (Spider Class)
Blaze (Blaze Class)
Skeleton (Bower Class with different armor)
Creeper (Creeper Class)
Enderman (Enderman Class)
Mushroom Cow (Mushroom Class)
Pig (Pig Class)
Failed Shape (just a stick)
Leather armor & fire sword (Fire AoE attack)
Defeat: Kill a nether boss
Leather armor & water sword (weak Blindness, Slowness & Damage AoE attack)
Unlock: Defeat Soulless Squid
Leather amor, sword, golden apples & to do list
Unlock: Defeat a youtuber
Leather armor, sword & fireballs
Unlock: Defeat a ghast
Armor, Germany Flag & Beer
Unlock: Choose Gold-Red-Black in the Boss Finder
Armor, Henk de Steen & Fish
Unlock: Choose X-Red-White-Blue in the Boss Finder
Armor, Lightsaber & Scroll
Unlock: Defeat Palpatine
Can be found in the map itself
Planned Bosses:
Remake CBC Bosses
Add Requested Player Bosses
Make new Bosses
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