I made this for my modpack (well, all of them really) because none of the mod compat add-ons I found for Stoneborn supported the mods this one does, or they have a few broken implementations (e.g. all of Botania's JEI categories are fine except for the Botanical Brewery if you've got the Modded Compatibility add-on).
I'm hoping someone else adds support for these mods and does it better (as I can't texture for the life of me), but until then we're stuck with this add-on.
Due to this, I highly recommend installing Modded Compatibility GUI and Stoneborn - Extended (or Meï's Additions for Modded GUIs if you're on 1.20.1+) and any other mod support add-ons you can find (as they'd do a much better job than I ever could).
Feel free to suggest support I should add in the comments, on the issue tracker, or in the discord server.
(This also fixes the incorrect pixel in the bottom-left of the inventory UI - just make sure to load it above base Stoneborn)
Supported Mods
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- Clayworks
- Crafting Automat
- Extended Crafting
- FTB Quests (JEI category only)
- Hostile Neural Networks
- Industrial Foregoing
- Lightman's Currency
- Lightman's Currency Tech
- Malum
- Nature's Aura
- Scannable
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Thermal Cultivation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Innovation
- Thermal Extra
- Thermal Systeams
- Woodworks
- Ad Astra: Giselle Addon (JEI category only)
- Applied Energistics 2
- Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals
- Better Advancements
- Bigger Reactors
- Building Gadgets
- Charging Gadgets
- Chicken Chunks
- Cosmetic Armour Reworked
- Curios API
- Deep Resonance
- Dis-Enchanting Table
- EnderIO
- Gendustry: Community Edition
- Industrial Foregoing Souls
- LaserIO
- Masterful Machinery
- Mining Gadgets
- Pretty Pipes
- Project Red - Core
- Project Red - Expansion
- Project Red - Exploration
- Project Red - Fabrication
- Project Red - Integration
- Quark
- RFTools Base
- RFTools Builder
- RFTools Control
- RFTools Dimensions
- RFTools Power
- RFTools Storage
- RFTools Utility
- Railcraft Reborn
- Roughly Enough Items
- The Twilight Forest
- TrashCan