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STONEBORN - EXTENDED will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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STONEBORN Extended is a simple add-on for STONEBORN - Dwarven-Fantasy Inspired UI Overhaul which aims to add compatibility to your favourite mods!


It's dangerous out there, so take STONEBORN on your next adventure!

The goal of this resource pack add-on is to make as many modded UI's as possible match the theme and style of the STONEBORN UI Overhaul! That way, your immersion wont be ruined by seeing another lame, pale gray menu pop up.


Menus from your favourite mods will now match the look and feel of your favourite resource pack!


If you want to know which mods will have their textures changed, scroll down to the support section and check if the list contains the mods you play with. Feel free to leave a comment suggesting other mods that should have STONEBORN UI support, and they may eventually be added in a future update!




Check out the official STONEBORN packs:


This pack includes support for the following mods:



Thanks!      - Fiopon