
Spawn Egg 3D will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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This Resource Pack is compatible in version
1.14 to 1.21

Description in English
This Resource Pack replaces the spawn egg with a 3D model of the mob with which the spawn egg is associated.

It is set to match the item frame. If the new mob was added to the MINECRAFT,
I will replace the mobs spawn egg with the 3D model of the mob and publish.


Descrição em Português(BR)

Este Pacote de Recursos substitui o spawn egg por um modelo 3D do mob ao qual o span egg está associado.É definido para corresponder ao quadro do item. Se o novo mob foi adicionado ao MINECRAFT, eu irei substituir o spawn egg do mob pelo modelo 3D do mob e publicarei.



このリソースパックは、スポーンエッグを、スポーンエッグが関連付けられているモブの3Dモデルに置き換えます。額縁に合うように設定しています。 MINECRAFTに新しいモブが追加されたとき、 そのモブのスポーンエッグをモブの3Dモデルに置き換えて公開します