
Skeleton Villagers will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Have you ever gotten tired of the old zombie villagers and their rotting green skin? Then just download this pack, wait a few weeks for the flesh to fall off, and they'll be skeletons!


This resource pack changes zombie villagers to look like skeletons rather than zombies. It also renames them, so you'd see a "Skeleton villager spawn egg" or read "Skeleton villager dies" in the subtitles.


OptiFine is recommended, as it'll make their limbs skinnier like a skeletons (2x2 rather than 4x4), but not needed (there's an alternate texture, though fat-limbed skeletons are kind of ugly).

It should work with all versions 1.13+. It'll will still work in 1.12 and below, but OptiFine will be needed (as the non-CEM texture won't work).

