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NB! This is a shader support pack made specifically for R3D CRAFT. You must install R3D CRAFT before you can use this shader support. Get R3D CRAFT here: 512x, 256x, 128x, 64x or 32x.

R3D.CRAFT Shader Support is a resource pack that contains NORMAL, SPECULAR and OCCLUSION maps made specifically for R3D CRAFT. This pack works with any shader that supports standard texture maps. Such as Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders, a shader mod highly recommended for this pack. With a shader mod and this shader support pack installed, you will be able to play Minecraft with realistic in-game ligtning and mapped textures that make this game way more realistic.


Screenshot of Minecraft with R3D CRAFT and Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders:


R3D.CRAFT Shader Support in other resolutions:

More information about R3D CRAFT in general can be found here.


© 2012-2016 Thomas Angeland