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R3D.CRAFT, pronounced Red Craft or R-3-D Craft, is a high-res texture pack that can be applied to the game Minecraft. Based on the default texture that comes along with this game, R3D.CRAFT enhances the missing realism; with use of high quality textures, smoother colortransitions, realistic shapes, shadows, lighting, missing details + so much more.

This texture is made for those who seek more quality in-game, but also want to keep the default design and feeling. Therefore, this texture tries to stay close to the default appearance by matching the correct colors and indication of shape.


R3D CRAFT in other resolutions:


Wan't more realism? Try R3D CRAFT's Shader Support!

Screenshot of Minecraft with R3D CRAFT and Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders






© 2012-2017 Thomas Angeland