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This Datapack add DIgimons into the Pixelmon mod, As of 1/06/2025 the datapack contains 224 digimons in total (not counting forms/megas/g-max). I wish to and will continue to add more digimons into the pack! I hope everyone can enjoy this crossover between Digimon and Pokemon (FINALLY!)


Requirements: 1.Pixelmon (duh)
                         2. Nothing Else

How to install: You will need both the Datapack File and the Resourcepack.
Step 1: Install Pixelmon (I'm gonna assume you already have this and already installed because this is a pixelmon datapack).

Step 2: Download the latest Datapack file and Resourcepack file.

Step 3: Go to your minecraft directory by searching for %appdata% in your window search bar.

Step 4: Drop the Resourcepack file into the the resourcepack folder (just put the whole downloaded file in)

Step 5: You can now launch the game (remember to apply the resourcepack)

Step 6: Add the datapack by going Singleplayer -> Create New World -> Datapacks -> drop the Datapack file in and enjoy! (or not idk)

Step 7 (Optional): If you want to add the datapack to a existing Pixelmon world then select the World -> Edit -> Open World Folder -> add the Datapack file into the datapacks folder and enjoy also! ( or also not)

New: ( Stat and Level changes are only on 1.16.5 for now)
- You can now Devolve digimons using the Isi's hourglass (Copper,Silver,Gold,Diamond) doing so will set the digimon back to it's prevolution, it's IVS stat will also be increased while it's level will be reduced based on the hourglass used:
 + Using the Copper Hourglass will make your digimon IVS be raised by 1 but it's level will be reduced by 10 (maximum down to level 10)

 + Using the Silver Hourglass will make your digimon IVS be raised by 2 but it's level will be reduced by 20 (maximum down to level 10)

 + Using the Gold Hourglass will make your digimon IVS be raised by 3 but it's level will be reduced by 30 (maximum down to level 10)

 + Using the Diamond Hourglass will make your digimon IVS be raised by 4 but it's level will be reduced by 40 (maximum down to level 10)


- You will need to readd the datapack to any world you create if you want it to work in that world aswell by redoing Step 6 or 7 if you want them to work in that World too.

- If you see the datapack posted elsewhere without me telling you about it here then its probabbly a copy paste so dont download it.

- The Digimon's Moveset are basicly placeholder for now and will probbably be better in the future also riding your digimon is possible but they arent in the correct location will change it when i figure out how
PlanetMinecraft site: (WITH IMAGES)
Modrinth site: (WITH EVEN MORE IMAGES)

Disclaimers: I do not own any of these Assets and Digimon is owned by Bandai. I only edited the shinies and do some of the animations, sprites was taken from official wiki and convert them into pixelarts using

Credits: Thx to WarGrey-sama for the ZekeGreymon model!

             Thx to GuilTronPrime for the ChaosGreymon texture, rigged XrosGreymon;XrosMetalGreymon;VictoryGreymon;MailBirdramon,Nefertimon and Gargoylemon!

             Thx to  DragonRod342 for the MasterTyrannomon model!
             Thx to kentZamin for the Meicoomon's rookie form name! 

           Massive Thx to Beru#6168 on Discord for adding over 300 custom moves for Digimons from 1.0 to 1.4!

          Thx to Zerowar123 for the Chronomon Holy and Destroy mode models!

             Also thx to me for the horrible animations on some of the digimons (I'm sorry .-.)

Donation Jumpscare:
I have set up a Ko-fi page if you want to support me updating the pack, i promise to reciprocate by updating and polishing the pack more and more :D

P.S: I'm sorry for the horrible evolution lines references in images, i totally didnt made it with Window's Paint.
Well atleast I'm not late to say happy new year this time...