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This project is splitted between FIVE different texture packs that complement each other:
1_Overworld, 2_Underground, 3_Dimensions, 4_PaleGarden, 5_Glowing-Ores.

ADVISE: PaleGarden texture pack... is downlodable only by donors.

 | ... solo puede ser descargado por los donantes. | ... può essere scaricato solo dai donatori.

ENGLISH: It brings true realism to the overworld of Minecraft - neither Nether nor End - but without sacrificing playability. It was built with x64 textures, carefully worked from real photos. This pack was originally started by replacing textures from third-party packages, in order to give my friends an enjoyable experience to play, but now... 

... creation is in progress!

ESPAÑOL: Lleva verdadero realismo al overworld de Minecraft - ni Nether ni End - pero sin sacrificar la jugabilidad. Fue construido con texturas x64, cuidadosamente trabajadas a partir de fotos reales. Este paquete se inició originalmente reemplazando texturas de paquetes de terceros, con el fin de brindar a mis amigos una experiencia agradable de jugar, pero ahora...

... la creazion està continuando!

ITALIANO: Porta vero realismo al overworld di Minecraft - nè Nether nè End - ma senza rinunciare alla giocabilità. E' stato costruito con textures x64, accuratamente lavorate da foto reali. Questo pacchetto è stato originariamente iniziato sostituendo le texture da pacchetti di terzi, allo scopo di dare ai miei amici un'esperienza piacevole da giocare, ma ora...

... la creazione continua!

PC hardware requirements: | Requisitos de hardware del PC: | Requisiti hardware del PC:

Ryzen 5700 CPU, RTX 4070 GPU, 16Gb RAM

  • allow you to play with minimum 30 FPS in the most complex scenes.
  • permite jugar con un mínimo de 30 FPS en las escenas más complejas.
  • permette di giocare con minimo 30 FPS nelle scene più complesse.



Photon shader is recommended.


FORGE users:


  1. Install JavaSetup (jre) if you never have installed Java;
  2. Install Minecraft Java matching version;
  3. install OPTIFINE


-MODS installation

  1. put your mods into MODS folder inside Minecraft installation path "C:\Users\[your-user-name]\AppData\Roaming.minecraft"


-RESOURCE PACK installation

  1. open your preferred Minecraft Launcher and start an Forge-Optifine related game.
  2. create a world
  3. save and exit from the world
  4. return to Minecraft installation path and open "resourcepacks" folder where you can paste zip files
  5. reopen the game and select your resource pack from the left column list putting it to the right column
  6. enjoy


-SHADERS installation

  1. put your shader zip file into "shaderpacks" folder inside Minecraft installation path "C:\Users\[your-user-name]\AppData\Roaming.minecraft"
  2. inside the game option menu, click "graphics" button and then find your shaderpack to select


FABRIC users:


  1. Install JavaSetup (jre) if you never have installed Java;
  2. Install Minecraft Java matching version;
  3. Install fabric-installer before Iris-Installer (choose "Iris only");


-MODS installation

  1. NOTE: the folder "mods" is not used anymore with Iris. Copy your mods into "iris-reserved" folder.
  2. MODS LIST must use to gain same Optifine features:
  • continuity
  • entity_model_feature_fabric (EMF)
  • entity_texture_feature_fabric (ETF)
  • fabric-api
  • fabric-languange-kotlin
  • indium
  • iris-fabric
  • sodium-fabric

-RESOURCE PACK installation

  1. open your preferred Minecraft Launcher and start an Iris-Fabric related game
  2. create a world
  3. save and exit from the world
  4. return to Minecraft installation path and open "resourcepacks" folder where you can paste zip files
  5. reopen the game and select your resource pack from the left column list putting it to the right column
  6. enjoy


-SHADERS installation

  1. put your shader zip file into "shaderpacks" folder inside Minecraft installation path "C:\Users\[your-user-name]\AppData\Roaming.minecraft"
  2. inside the game option menu, click "graphics" button and then find your shaderpack to select





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