
Become a bit closer to living out your cottagecore dreams using this GUI overhaul!
This resource pack changes your crafting inventories, armor, health, food bar, menus and more to be filled with vines and flowers.
Watch flowers grow from the ground as you get exp and collect flowerpots as you gain armor!
As a fan of the Overgrown Flowery Interface mod for Stardew Valley I wanted to capture that feeling with a Minecraft Resource Pack, thus Overgrown Flowery GUI was born!
As of version 1.2+ we support integration with an ever-growing list of client side and content mods!
- Advancement Plaques
- AppleSkin
- Backpacked
- Better Anvil
- Colorful Hearts
- Compact Storage
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked
- Crafting Tweaks
- Curios Api
- DynamicPack
- Emi
- Fabric
- Farmer's Delight
- Forge
- Inventory Profiles next
- Inventory Sorting
- Iron Chests
- Jade
- Just Enough Items
- Just Enough Professions
- Just Enough Resources
- [Let's Do] Vinery
- LibGui
- LibIPN
- Litematica
- MaLiLib
- Mod Menu
- NeoForged
- No Chat Reports
- Roughly Enough Items
- RP Renames
- Shipping Bin
- Stardew Fishing
- Tool Belt
- TrashSlot
- Trinkets
- Waystones
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
- Zenith Attributes
Note that some of the Mods above like Malilib and LibGui are libraries used by multiple developers, any mods that rely on these libraries should also be supported but not specifically listed.
Keep in mind that any dependent mods may lose support if a breaking change is made in an update.
Want more of Overgrown Flowery GUI? Make sure to check out our modernized addon: Extra Flowery GUI!
If you're only here for the hotbar, try Overgrown Flowery Hotbar.