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OptiGUI is optional but highly recommended for certain blocks to have their own GUIs! (Optifine is supported mostly with the exception of Barrels due to limitations)

1.21.4+ Only for now

Ore UI Recreation is a resource pack that tries to replicate the new Bedrock UI in Java with the Chest, Ender Chest, and Shulker Box color coded UIs as well as matching the rest of the GUIs in the game with this 'rounded' style. (minus the controversal Horizontal Layout).

Feedback & Suggestions are appreciated via Github or these comments!

Chest UI thats accented like the chest with rounded slots with a Diamond Sword and 5 Apples on the first 2 slots of the 3rd row with an empty inventory.Minecraft Survival HUD the items are: Diamond Sword with 75% durability, Enchanted Netherite Pickaxe that's mostly new, Iron Axe, Iron Shovel, 33 Steak, 14 Porkchops, 32 Torches, 40 Dirt. Offhand has a Shield. The player has the 33 Steaks selected.

Pack Limitations

  • Due to Resource Pack limitations, some UIs have irregular padding or may overlap each other.
  • Optifine doesn't support custom Barrel GUIs


  • BoardSodie for the Hotbar design
  • Pigzone00 for the inital Hotbar issue

What's Left?

With pretty much most of the in-game UIs finished the only things left is the Advancements UI. If there's anything else major I missed please create an issue on GitHub!