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Night Vision

(only work with Optifine and no shaders)


Night Vision is a texture pack compatible with Minecraft 1.7.2 to 1.21.4+, and need Optifine to work.

It give you the power to see through the dark. It's literally like if you have an infinite potion of night vision.

Of course it don't work with shaders because shaders use their own system of light.



Q : Where i put the .zip file ?

A : Like all the texture pack in Minecraft, you have to put it the resourcepacks folder. If you don't know how i explain below.

After downloaded your texture pack, you have to place it in the Minecraft folder :

Press Windows+R, tap %AppData%, then go in .minecraft -> resourcepacks, then put your pack here.



Q : Night Vision doesn't work on Minecraft, help me !

A : Make sure you are running Minecraft with a recent Optifine version, make sure you turn off the shaders. Make sure to put Night Vision in your resourcepacks folder, and activate it in Minecraft at the top of your ressources packs.


Q : On which version can i play with Night Vision ?

A : There is a version for 1.7 to 1.12 and a version for 1.13+, make sure to download the right version.


Q : There is a warning saying this pack is for another version, why ?

A : Don't worry, ignore this message, it will work.


Usefull links

- Java 8: https://www.java.com/fr/download/

- Java 16+: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#JDK16

- OptiFine : https://www.optifine.net/downloads

- OptiFabric : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/optifabric


Good luck and have fun !

Thank you so much for 3Mdownloads ! It's just insane :O