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MS Painted for Biomes O' Plenty will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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NOTE: For biome colours to work, OptiFine is required. OptiFine download


MS Painted is a resource pack that retextures the entirety of Minecraft in MS Paint whilst using only the default 20 colours the program comes with.

This is a mod support add-on for that pack, which gives the Biomes O' Plenty mod the MS Painted treatment itself. :)
Although Biomes O' Plenty has versions for 1.17, OptiFine is currently not compatible with Forge, which is a problem due to this pack's heavy reliance on it for biome colours to work; so for now, I'll stick to 1.16. :)

You can find the 1.16 version of MS Painted in the side-bar on its own page.



Latest version: 2.0 - designed for Minecraft: Java Edition with Biomes O' Plenty 1.16.5- and OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G8