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Monsterley HD Universal is a high-resolution semi-realistic resource pack. The textures correspond in color and content to the default Minecraft.
This preserves the character of built structures, even when using another resource pack. Special features of this resource pack are more detailed textures of blocks and a more diverse style of the nature.

This resource pack will not work with versions of Minecraft older than 1.13.x.


It contains:

  • several random alternative textures for plants and other blocks
  • varieties of flowers and lily pads partially including blossoms
  • rotating ground block textures (grass, dirt, snow, etc.) for a better and more diverse visualization
  • a lightmap considering the characteristics of biomes
  • a varied texturing of the trees foliage
  • 3D models (rail system, furnace, ladder, doors and more)
  • additional animations
  • Noteblock can display the instrument, the musical note and clicks.
  • HD font
  • non-standard paintings
  • clear structured GUI with good legibility
  • mapping shader support - Support for a more realistic look. Gives more depth and structure to the textures. (Final look depends on the selected shader.)

Optional features (OptiFine required to use):

  • random alternative peaceful mobs
  • Glowstone presented as glowing stone in Nether but as lamp in the Overworld
  • Custom sky
  • Connected glass
  • Various villagers. For each profession a separate texture. (Minecraft version 1.13.x)
  • UI for Villager by profession (Minecraft version 1.13.x)
  • Different Elytra
  • 3D Chess
  • Iron Golem for various biomes

Terms of Use:

You can download this pack and use it as is.

You ARE NOT authorised to:

  • copy, host, mirror, publish, license, distribute, sell, monetize, reproduce, remix or modify.
  • create a remix pack of one or more Monsterley HD files and redistribute it.
  • re-upload the pack or a remix for money or not for money.
  • publish this pack under another autor.

You may never put a link to my pack behind or any other for-profit service.

You ARE authorised to:


 How to make optional different Elytras

Put your spoiler here.Monsterley HD Universal Elytra

 How to make optional 3D Chess

3D Chess (OptiFine)



Monsterley HD Add-On: Biomes O' Plenty

Monsterley in 32px resolution


User resource pack videos:
