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  • Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

  • Static Badge

  • Static Badge

If you need help, readme.txt is in the zip for this. @magisitas on Discord if that didn't help

Magisitas Rarity Icons

Featuring :

7 Unique Rarities :

Creative Rarity :

  • Only for Creative items !
  • This includes all the items you cannot get in you inventory normaly in survival.
  • Creative Rarity

Unique Rarity :

  • Only for Unique items !
  • This includes only the Dragon Egg since it's the only item you cannot get multiple of (without cheats)
  • Unique Rarity

Artifact Rarity :

  • This includes items that are very hard to get, usually the best reward of the most diffcult Regions of the game.
  • Nether Star, Disc 5, Mace and even Elytras are here !
  • Artifact Rarity

Trophee, Epic, Rare, Common and Trash Rarities :

  • These items were given a rarity based on my personal feeling, feel free to give me feedback if you want some changes !
  • Btw yes most items are in the common rarity, junk is only here for like dirt cobble etc

Trophee RarityEpic RarityRare RarityCommon RarityJunk Rarity

Eclectic Trove + Legendary Tooltips Support

Yes, you need the Legendary Tooltips mod to use all the features. It is needed for the Cool tooltip art and animations to work. Without this mod, you will only get Rarity Icons and Color text !

  • Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

  • Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

YOU NEED TO USE MY CUSTOM CONFIG FILE (in the zip) FOR THIS TO WORK (more info in the readme.txt)

Enchant, Potions and Trims priority System

Enchants, Potions and Trims take the tooltip of the highest rarity they have. If you have mutiple enchants on a book for exemple, the tooltip will be the one of the best enchant ! This also works when equiped on armor as shown here :

Enchants Rarity IncreasePotions Rarity IncreaseTrims Rarity IncreaseArmor Comparaison

Item Borders Support

You will also need Items border to get the cool borders like here ! This will not work without Eclectic Trove + Legendary Tooltips

  • Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

YOU NEED TO USE MY CUSTOM CONFIG FILE (in the zip) FOR THIS TO WORK (more info in the readme.txt)

Shiny Icons

Icons Support

Lastly, this pack supports Icons. I suggest using it as some items will display some White Square if you don't

  • Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

Fully Customisable !

You can customize the pack and the config files yourself ! I highly suggest doing it if you like coding things, its not hard I made it very explicit in the readme.txt, also you can change the rarity icons if you want

Have fun playing !