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Follow @LithosTextures to be notified of updates to Lithos or related Minecraft texture packs.

Visit our Discord server at discord.gg/ZwbyHWphpT

You are welcome to drop by, contribute, suggest, or complain.


There's now a public bug tracker on Trello.



As always I very much appreciate bug reports, (and also reports of things you aren't sure are bugs) -- I try hard, but I can't and don't notice all the issues.
Reporting bugs is the same-- ideally in bug channels of this discord, but twitter, or a comment on curse works too. I'll add to the trello list as I get new bugs.




  • Completely replaces all Default Textures
  • Familiar default-style appearance, but with attractive Detail
  • Lots of Random, Alternate Textures (without MCPatcher or Optifine!)
  • Random Mobs for most common mobs (MCPatcher or Optifine required)
  • Many subtle 3D improvements
  • Mod Support: varies by version
  • Consistent, easy to use GUI
  • Easy to read Font
  • Early Snapshot support


Other Packs



Why Another "Faithful" Pack?

I describe this pack as "faithful" because it usually tries to be faithful to the default style, not because it uses Vattic's Faithful textures in any way. Vattic has done a great thing, especially in providing a standard and creating, organizing, and collecting so much content for mods.  But to my taste, Vattic's Faithful pack is too literal — it replicates some of the less attractive and inconsistent aspects of the default textures, and while it adds more pixels doesn't add more detail. 


Mods Supported:

  • Mod support varies by version.


Goals of the Lithos Texture Pack:

Obviousness, Consistency, Beauty

  1. Everything should be instantly recognisable to those familiar with default textures, or with the things in real life.
  2. Construction blocks should be very similar in color & brightness to default blocks, so color-schemes work the same way in default & Lithos.
  3. Each texture should be as appealing as possible, while the whole pack has a consistent style.


Used with Permission in this Pack:

  • Food icons from Stock32 by Dack105: beef_cooked, beef_raw, blaze_powder, bread, cake, chicken_cooked, chicken_raw, comparator, compass, cookie, fireworks,  nether_wart, porkchop_cooked, porkchop_raw, potato_baked, potato_poisonous, potato, pumpkin_pie, reeds, repeater, saddle
  • HD Art Pack, (Default Paintings Scaled Up) by ghost2
  • Extended Workbench textures  by Platinum20
  • water from Ornate5 by sevenfour
  • Everything else © 2013-2021 by John W. Bjerk. All rights reserved

    Trademark notice. The Lithos name and logo are trademarks of John W. Bjerk.

  • Big thanks to Markacashion, Eonaut and Nazenn for tons of mod support.




  • No Redistribution. For personal use only, with the following exceptions:
  • Servers & Videos: If you want to make Lithos the automatic texture pack for your server, or use use Lithos in screenshots and videos (even monetized) please do, as long as you credit Lithos and include a link to the official download

    this thread.
  • Derivative use is allowed under some circumstances for making Lithos-style textures for mods. See "About Mod Support" in this thread for more details
  • These usage rules also apply to using only part of Lithos.