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A Stardew Valley-inspired texture pack created for BigChadGuys Plus. It currently retextures all Minecraft UI elements and supports the following mods:

A Man With Plushies, Alloy Forgery, Automobility, Backpacked, Bakery, Bartering Station, Better End, Brewery, Brewin' and Chewin', Candlelight, Chipped, Cobblemon, Compact Storage, Daily Shop, Do API, Easy Anvils, Easy Magic, Expanded Delight, Exposure, Farmer's Delight, FTB Library, Fabric Waystones, Herbal Brews, Illager Invasion, Immersive Aircraft, Inventory Profiles Next, Macaw's Furnitures, Mighty Mail, Polymorph, Small Ships, Supplementaries, Tom's Simple Storage, Trade Cycling, Trash Cans, Traveler's Backpacks, Trinkets, Universal Graves, Universal Shops, Vanity Slots, Vinery, Simple Voice Chat, Building Wands, Xerca's Music Maker, and Xerca's Joy of Painting.

I'm not the best artist, so I'm always open to help! If you'd like to contribute or notice any issues, feel free to reach out to me on Discord! @jflec