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Hyper Realistic Sky is the biggest, most versatile and feature rich sky pack you will ever find out there. The pack has 6 unique cloud sets that will change depending on the biome you're in. There are also unique skies for weather, including rain and thunder, where you will usually see dense rain clouds, but also sandstorms, if you're in a desert for example. Each sky has a day, night, sunset and sunrise variant, as well as a low and high altitude variant, making it a total of 64 cloud variants. On top of that, this pack also features a plethora of special events, such as Solar eclipses, shooting stars, lightning strikes, and even spinning tornadoes. There are many special rare cloud types featured in the pack as well, such as asperitas and mammatus clouds.

 As you can see, this a very large and ambitious project, and the best part is, it's all free! If you like what you see, and would like to support me, you can donate through PayPal. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!



Pick the correct version

  • Vanilla: These versions are set to "alpha" release type.
  • Bedrock: Download from the bedrock page.
  • Modded: Select a version and check the "Related Projects" tab for the required mod.
  • OptiFine: Works with all OptiFine versions, up to pack version 2.2.


  • To check out the many features of the pack, I've provided a text file in the pack that has instructions.
  • There's also a text file on how to remove each feature from the pack, if you want to customize it.


This pack does of course work with shaders, but since each shader works differently and has different settings, you will most likely need to tweak them to get a good look.

Sky features

Latent features

To see more examples, visit the Planet Minecraft page.
So that's about it, I hope you'll enjoy this pack!