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This pack supports EVERY Java version & BEDROCK EDITION:
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This pack aims to overhaul Minecraft, but still maintaining the vanilla experience with an animated and nostalgic feel along with references to many iconic youtubers and classic animations. Attempts have also been made to make Minecraft accessible to everyone, including partial & full colorblindness, arachnophobia, trypophobia, hard of hearing and Dyslexia. This pack gives nearly everything a unique texture to help with differentiation for those visually impaired
You may NOT
- Publicly share unofficial Bedrock ports.
- Redistribute as your own, even if modified.
- Use as part of a modpack w/o clear-written credit.
- Profit directly or indirectly off this work, ads included.
- Ask for permission to be exempt from one of the above.
- Use within modpacks w/ clear credit in description.
-Use this pack on public or private servers with credit.
- Use in monetized or profitable Minecraft vids.