Doggy Talents Next X New Wolves will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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Eager to hang out with the New 1.20.5+ Wolf Variants in older versions?
🦴🐾 === New Wolves X Doggy Talents Next === 🐾🦴
You can use it on any server that has Doggy Talents Next installed!
This mod adds all of the special dog breeds from Minecraft 1.20.5 Wolves to the Doggy Talents Next mod as selectable skins.
as well as other exotic variants from DTN!
This resource pack requires the Doggy Talents Next mod to work! You can find the mod here:
🦴🐾 === How to access the Skins === 🐾🦴
1. Sneak-click a Trained Dog to access the Dog Menu.
2. Navigate to Style Tab -> Skins
3. The newly added skins will be at the end of the list (or you can utilize Search by Tag)
+ NWxDTN is only visible to those who installed this RP. Otherwise, it would render as a Classical Wolf.
+ Minecraft will prompt you that this RP is "incompatible" when importing the RP. However, it will be compatible with ALL versions of DTN.
-------------🦴🐾Check out other products!🦴🐾-------------
- Doggy Talents Next's Palette Of Paws
- Doggy Talents Next
- BetterDogs X DTN (client)
- Doggy Talents Next's Community Skin Expansion (client)
Having issues? Please post all issues and questions on Github or our Discord Server! It would make our work a lot easier we can get together on the same page!
We also made a YouTube channel:【 狼才能次 】🦴 DoggyTalentsNextMod OFFICIAL 🦴
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