Enjoy the best of both worlds : My Fancy Illagers and the brilliantly made Fresh Animations by the very talented Fresh LX
For this pack to work, you will need to have optifine (or replacement mods) installed aswell as Fresh Animations.
Place Drodi's Illagers FA on top of FA for everything to work properly.
For more details on what Drodi's Illagers adds, check out the original page here
The OFFICIAL versions of my packs are available here on Curseforge under the profile Dordinatteur and on Planet Minecraft under the profile Drodi aswell as Modrinth under the profile @Drodi Any other source may contain viruses or malwares, so if you want to download from other sites, do so at your own risk.
If you believe someone else is reuploading my Ressource packs on other sources and action is possible, please contact me on discord (drodi99)
- Fresh LX for allowing me to upload this compatibility patch on modrinth.
- Ewanhowell : Help with all kinds of optifine related questions.
- Nautica Natzival : The colors he uses in "Fresh Pillagers" are re used in "Drodi's Illagers" for the biome based variation.
- Keniu & Rustillery : Their packs, "Illagers Reborn" and "Rustillery's Classy Illagers" respectively were used as inspiration.
- Hecco & Elithris : Vex design inspired by their packs, "New Vexes" and "Devlish Vexes" respectively.
- Reijvi : General inspiration for the style of the pack. Multiple color palettes are re used from his pack, "Reimagined", including : Leather, Iron, Gold, Diamond.