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This Addon from 3D CreatorCraft brings Seasons into your Minecraft world. 3D Seasons features the four seasons Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Through the seasons-change plants, crops, grass and leaves change their color. In spring the color is apple green, in summer the leaves are dark green, in autumn the plants are cocoa brown and in the winter everything is snow white. To use this Addon in Minecraft (1.13) you have to use any version of 3D CreatorCraft, otherwise the pack will not function.... When using the Changing Seasons Version, the Seasons will automatically change every Minecraft day (RealTime: 20 minutes), creating a year that is four days (80 minutes) long. Since it is a resourcepack, that uses an animation for the Seasons Change, the Seasons will not be saved when leaving the world.


3D Seasons was discontinued and will likely not receive any new updates in the future. Though you can still use the versions, which already exist here.


For more information on the seasons-change and all other aspects, visit the official website: