Better Animations
Buttery Smooth!
Better Expressions has moved! Get it here
Overhaul your Minecraft player animations and bring them to life!
Compatible with almost all animation mods! Including Better Combat, Quark and Emotecraft emotes and Parcool!
Supports both fabric and forge
REQUIRES EMF v2.1.0 or higher for v11.0 or higher of the pack
Download the latest from the releases tab.
Download the mods from the tab.
Place the mods and the resourcepack in the appropriate folder.
Activate the resourcepack in the 'resource packs' tab in-game.
Fabric API:
Entity Model Features:
Entity Texture Features:
MincraftEinstein, Prairies, XyperCode, Mysty, SomeOddBall, Brosiyeah, YaBoiMoh, Quackinsons, Jeanne
Mods/Packs that work flawlessly: playerAnimator, Better Combat, EmoteCraft, Quark, 3d skin layers. Parcool, Not Enough Animations, First-person Model
Mods/Packs that DO NOT WORK: Improved Animations, Serious Player Animations, any other cem model mod besides emf+etf