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Get Miniblocks and builds with details !



What is this datapack ?

Currently this datapack adds to the game 192 new miniblocks. Miniblocks are heads with custom textures that you can place in your world. Once installed on a server or one you single player world, you don't need a specific texture pack.



How to get Miniblocks ?

  • With commands (must be OP)

To obtain a specific miniblock, if you have administrator privileges, you can use /function miniblocks:give/minecraft/<item name> For exemple if I want to get the miniblock of the bedrock, I use miniblocks:give/minecraft/bedrock  .


  • In survival

In survival, you can get the miniblocks by buying to the  wandernig trader a special barrel.


Inside of this barrel, each slot is filled by a 5 miniblocks of a random type.

Images of illustration : 


Barrel inside

The trade is available 3 times per wandering trader. Each barrel will be (almost) unique


Which Miniblocks are available ?

Curently, there is 192 Miniblocks, here is the list :

 - bedrock
 - dirt
 - grass
 - stone
 - cobblestone
 - mossy cobblestone
 - granite
 - polished granite
 - diorite
 - polished diorite
 - andesite
 - polished andesite
 - deepslate
 - polished deepslate
 - cobbled deepslate
 - deepslate tiles
 - chiseled deepslate
 - calcite
 - tuff
 - dripstone block
 - coarse dirt
 - podzol
 - rooted dirt
 - mycelium
 - moss block
 - brown mushroom block
 - red mushroom block
 - mushroom stem
 - melon
 - pumpkin
 - craved pumpkin
 - jack o'lantern
 - hay bale
 - ice
 - packed ice
 - blue ice
 - powder snow
 - snow grass
 - clay
 - dried kelp block
 - sand
 - red sand
 - gravel
 - sponge
 - wet sponge
 - sandstone
 - red sandstone
 - cut sandstone
 - chiseled sandstone
 - chiseled red sandstone
 - cut red sandstone
 - stone bricks
 - mossy stone bricks
 - cracked stone bricks
 - deepslate bricks
 - prismarine
 - prismarine bricks
 - dark prismarine
 - sea lantern
 - netherrack
 - nether bricks
 - cracked nether bricks
 - netherite block
 - nether gold ore
 - nether quartz ore
 - nether wart block
 - warped wart block
 - red nether bricks
 - crimson nylium
 - warped nylium
 - ancient debris
 - quartz block
 - quartz pillar
 - quartz bricks
 - chiseled quartz
 - magma block
 - shroomlight
 - blackstone
 - polished blackstone
 - gilded blackstone
 - polished blackstone bricks
 - lodestone
 - respawn anchor
 - respawn anchor_full
 - crying obsidian
 - soul sand
 - soul soil
 - basalt
 - polished basalt
 - smooth basalt
 - glowstone
 - endstone
 - endstone bricks
 - purpur block
 - purpur pillar
 - redstone block
 - piston
 - sticky piston
 - slime block
 - honey block
 - observer
 - dropper
 - target block
 - chest
 - furnace
 - furnace_burning
 - redstone lamp
 - redstone lamp_powered
 - note block
 - jukebox
 - loom
 - barrel
 - smoker
 - smoker_burning
 - blast furnace
 - blast furnace_burning
 - cartography table
 - fletching table
 - smithing table
 - crafting table
 - end crystal
 - command block
 - structure block
 - coal ore
 - deepslate coal ore
 - iron ore
 - deepslate iron ore
 - copper ore
 - deepslate copper ore
 - gold ore
 - deepsalte gold ore
 - redstone ore
 - deepsalte redstone ore
 - emerald ore
 - deepslate emerald ore
 - lapis lazuli ore
 - deepsalte lapis lazuli ore
 - diamond ore
 - deepsalte diamond ore
 - block of coal
 - block of raw iron
 - block of raw gold
 - block of raw copper
 - block of amethyst
 - block of iron
 - block of copper
 - block of gold
 - block of diamond
 - block of netherite
 - exposed copper
 - weathered copper
 - oxidized copper
 - cut copper
 - exposed cut copper
 - weathered cut copper
 - oxidized cut copper
 - block of lapis lazuli
 - block of emerald
 - ender chest
 - beacon
 - oak log
 - spruce log
 - dark oak log
 - jungle log
 - acacia log
 - birch log
 - stripped oak log
 - stripped spruce log
 - stripped dark oak log
 - stripped jungle log
 - stripped acacia log
 - stripped birch log
 - crimson stem
 - warped stem
 - stripped crimson stem
 - stripped waped stem
 - glazed terracota black
 - glazed terracota blue
 - glazed terracota brown
 - glazed terracota cyan
 - glazed terracota gray
 - glazed terracota green
 - glazed terracota light blue
 - glazed terracota light gra
 - glazed terracota lime
 - glazed terracota magenta
 - glazed terracota orange
 - glazed terracota pink
 - glazed terracota purple
 - glazed terracota red
 - glazed terracota white
 - glazed terracota yellow



I'm in creative, picked a Miniblock with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel and the miniblock have a strange name

Yes sadly, it's the only way for the best experience for survival players. This name will not change the miniblock behavior, so you can use it, it will not change anything to the good functioning of the item.

If it bothers you, drop the item and get it back, it will have the right name again.


Change the trade item


For the moment it works (v1.2) but maybe in the future this will not be available anymore
Follow these instructions : https://gist.github.com/Neylz/69d666638d707c63df2aa678bfcd60b7



If you have any idea/suggestion for this datapack write below in the comments :)
If you encounter a bug please report it here !