
Additional Elytras will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Warning: Optifine is required for this to work, as explained in the Guide!
Currently contains: 73 Elytras
-Note: The .zip goes into your resource packs folder!

NEW: See all the Elytras for yourself by using the Additional Elytra's showcase world! 
Currently working on: Adding TNT123BOOM's textures (I have permission), 
In the next update: More Mario textures 

I've seen a lot of amazing elytra textures online. So I thought: "why not add them as an add-on!?" So here we are, using Optifine's CIT option. After renaming your item into one of the names I specified for them, your elytra texture will change in the respective texture. And yet; others who use the resource pack can see the alternative designs too! This means that you can use the new spruced up elytra textures on your favorite server too! 


Find all the Elytra names in our guide! 
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