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Header of Hysteria



A stylized, atmospheric horror themed Iris shaderpack with high customizability and performance.

A Modern Successor of Insanity Shader


Based on Photon, Hysteria provides a very similar feel to Insanity,

but with modern features such as volumetric clouds and fog, colored lighting, distant horizons support, and more!



Familiar yet different look; A refreshed Insanity

Comparision of Insanity Shader vs Hysteria Shaders at day timeComparision of Insanity Shader vs Hysteria Shaders at night timeComparision of Insanity Shader vs Hysteria Shaders in the NetherComparision of Insanity Shader vs Hysteria Shaders in the End



  • 🧟 Atmospheric Scary Look. Perfect for horror & zombie modpacks!
  • 📓 Highly customizable shader configuration. Expanded from Photon's limits.
  • ⛈ Immersive & Dynamic Weather. Every day is a different day, with different clouds and colors.
  • đŸŒ«ïž Volumetric Fog & Clouds. With ground-level and distant fog, changing volumetric clouds, and more!
  • 🌎 Distant Horizons Support. Experimental!
  • 📝 User-friendly menu. Including a quick options menu with easy to configure settings.
  • đŸ’» Runs on most modern PCs. Optimized even for lower end GPUs. Even better than Insanity!
  • 🔩 Always bring some torches. Not only the night is dark, the Nether and End are even worse!
  • 🌎 Wide compatibility across versions. Supports all newer MC versions from 1.7.10 upwards.
  • ☀ Built-in Colored Lighting. With support for labPBR resource packs.


 Made with đŸ–€ by ElocinDev


  • Sixthsurge

For making Photon, the shaderpack that Hysteria is based on

  • Capt Tatsu

 For making BSL, helping me start out Insanity. Without Insanity, Hysteria wouldn't exist!