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This is a simple modpack that even people that have issues with memory should be able to play...
But its not Vanilla
This modpack is made with a few items I would like to have in a simple modpack but has a few items in it that are not in vanilla. I thought that everyone else would like a modpack like this as well as some of the modpacks are hard for people to play if they require a lot of memory to be allocated to Minecraft.
With this modpack you can make the computer from AE2 to hold all your items. It takes a bit of resources so plan for that. It also has Cooking for Blockheads to go along with Pam's Harvestcraft, it also has Advanced Rocketry to go to the moon or other planets. This modpack is amazing to play with a computer that doesn't have lots of memory to allocate to Minecraft. Draconic Evolution too!
 This modpack is also part of a series of modpacks that will be created for players that have problems with playing larger modpacks.
Other modpacks in this series include:
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