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This modpack integrates Thaumcraft and Scape and Run: Parasites. You will spawn in a world in which parasites slowly evolve and become much more deadly. You will have lot of weapons to fight them (most ot them come from Spartan Weaponry), but the most poweful ones can be achieved trough the dark magic path that Thaumcraft offers to the user. The aim of this modpack is to use every resource in your possession to survive the most days in a parasites-overtaken world. Play in Hardcore mode for an optimal experience and try to survive at least for 100 days. The modpack includes lots of vanilla plus mods (like biomes o plenty or roguelike dungeons) that will contribute to create a world with much more biomes and a better world-gen.

Using modtweaker i'm going to add more and more thaumcraft aspects to the items in this modpack. I have already added thaumcraft aspects to ALL biomes o'plenty items and I am going to work on Scape and Run: Parasites as next mod.  If anyone wants to help me, ask for support and even talk about the modpack you can dm me on discord (Nagasena#6724). Eventually I'll create a discord server if needed.

Maybe I'll add a questline, but since it takes a lot of time, i prefer writing a simple suggestion-based guide.


OPTIFINE should work properly (it worked on my experience) but if doesn't either install dynamic lights mod or remove fancy menu.