UVision [FABRIC] will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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UVision [FABRIC] is a RPG Style ModPack Based on Survival...
It Consists of Mods that Add Weapons, Magic, Dungeons & Ruins... Some Add Mobs Increasing the Difficulty of GamePlay...
Also Included is ORIGINS giving you a Choice of Race at the Start to Help or Hinder your Chance of Survival...
⚔️ Oh The Biomes You'll Go & Terralith World Generation
⚔️ Incendium Nether Generation
⚔️ Paradice Lost Adds a New Dimension & Mobs
⚔️ Visual Enhancements
⚔️ Bosses of Mass Destruction
⚔️ Tons of Dungeons, Structures & Mobs
⚔️ New Gear & Weapons
⚔️ Iris Shaders
⚔️ Fabric Waystones
⚔️ Xaero's World Map & Minimap
⚔️ QOL Mods
⚔️ 200+ Mods
Not Enough Mods... Also have UVision... More Mods, More Mobs...
Or UVision LITE ... Less Mods, Same Amount of Mobs...
Want to try Something New... Introducing UVision ENHANCED... Why Use Magic when there is TECH...
Something New for UVision... Introducing UVision [HORRORS]... A Simple Scary ModPack...
Gameplay with UVision [FABRIC] 1.19.2...
Gameplay with UVision [FABRIC] 1.19.1...
Gameplay with UVision [FABRIC] 1.19...
Short Video Showing UVision [FABRIC] Running on a Steam Deck...
Gameplay with UVision [FABRIC] 1.18.2..
Gameplay with UVision [FABRIC] ModPack Installed...
Do You Need a Server to Play with Friends?
You Can Use the Code "UVISION" to Get 25% Off the First Month, Just Click the Image Below to Get Started.
Select a Plan [RECOMMENDED 4GB], Use Code "UVISION" and Start Hosting Your Own Server.
1.18.2 Fabric Ver. 0.14.22
1.19.2 Fabric Ver. 0.14.23
1.19.4 Fabric Ver. 0.14.21
1.20.1 Fabric Ver. 0.16.5
1.21.1 Fabric Ver. 0.16.7
Join the Discord for Server Info...
- Iron Chests (Fabric) (by cyberanner)
- Sound Physics Remastered (by henkelmax)
- MixinTrace (by comp500)
- Archon (by safrodev)
- VoidZ (by Globox_Z)
- Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise)
- TooManyOrigins (by MerchantPug)
- Goblin Traders (Fabric) (by jab125twitchy)
- The Graveyard (FABRIC) (by finallion_13)
- First-person Model (Forge/Fabric) (by tr9zw)
- Random Mob Effects (by Serilum)
- YUNG's Better Dungeons (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- SkyLib (by SkylorBeck)
- Mod Menu (by ProspectorDev)
- Golems Galore (by ffrannny)
- Incendium (by Starmute)
- Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev)
- Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
- AdventureZ (by Globox_Z)
- Arcanus: Legacy (by Camellias_)
- Sit (Fabric) (by bl4ckscor3)
- Combat Roll [Fabric & Forge] (by daedelus_dev)
- MC Dungeons Weapons (by chronos_sacaria)
- Dark Loading Screen (by Neecko5b84)
- Expert Armor [Fabric/Quilt] (by XanthianZ)
- GeckoLib (by ThanosGecko)
- Prism [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Pehkui (by Virtuoel)
- Respawnable Pets (by MoriyaShiine)
- MoreAchievements [Fabric] (by elaterna)
- DefaultSettings Fabric/Quilt (by PT400C)
- Fabric Waystones (by LordDeatHunter)
- Physics Mod (by haubna)
- RpgDifficulty (by Globox_Z)
- Regrowth (by MacTso)
- Ecologics (by SameDifferent)
- Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) (by tr9zw)
- Damage Tilt (by Charles445)
- Paradise Lost (by ImmortalDevs)
- Rat's Mischief 🐀 (by doctor4t)
- Spoorn Armor Attributes [Fabric/Forge] (by spoorn)
- I Know What I'm Doing (IKWID) (by HeckinChloe)
- Falling Leaves (Fabric) (by RandomMcSomethin)
- playerAnimator (by KosmX)
- Bosses of Mass Destruction (by Barribob)
- Xaero's World Map (by xaero96)
- Better Combat [Fabric & Forge] (by daedelus_dev)
- Craftable Chainmail Armor [FORGE & FABRIC] (by 00theblackwolf00)
- Simple Backpack [FABRIC] (by kwpugh)
- Better Villages - Fabric (by jtl_elisa)
- FerriteCore (Fabric) (by malte0811)
- Polymorph (Fabric) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Additional Structures (Fabric) (by XxRexRaptorxX)
- Easy Magic [Outdated] (by Fuzs_)
- Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone (by telepathicgrunt)
- Indium (by comp500)
- DimensionalDoors (by DimensionalDevelopment)
- Eldritch Mobs (by cyborg_pigeon)
- Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric) (by shedaniel)
- myLoot (by spoorn)
- AppleSkin (by squeek502)
- Observed (by CartoonishVillain)
- Cardinal Components (by UpcraftLP)
- Simply Swords [Fabric & Forge] (by sweenuss)
- Item Scroller (by masady)
- oωo (owo-lib) (by gliscowo)
- CraftPresence (by CDAGaming_)
- Additional Additions | Fabric (by dqu1jjj)
- BackSlot (by Globox_Z)
- Vanilla Excavators (by Draylar1)
- TrashSlot (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- Not Enough Animations (by tr9zw)
- Vanilla Hammers (by Draylar1)
- LevelZ (by Globox_Z)
- YUNG's Better Strongholds (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Blur (Fabric) (by Motschen)
- Fabric Shield Lib (by CrimsonDawn45)
- XP Storage (by sfinc)
- Tool Stats (by DarkhaxDev)
- BCLib (by Quiqueck)
- Enchanting Infuser [Outdated] (by Fuzs_)
- RPG Origins (by DaBananaCat)
- HerdsPanic (by Globox_Z)
- Styled Nicknames (by Patbox)
- Farmer's Delight [Fabric] (by NewHoryzon)
- ThonkUtil (by jab125twitchy)
- Towers of the Wild: Additions (by Aureljz)
- MC Dungeons Artifacts (by chronos_sacaria)
- NPC Variety - Port (Fabric) (by YumatanGames)
- Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
- EnhancedVisuals (by CreativeMD)
- Konkrete [Fabric] (by Keksuccino)
- Things [Fabric] (by gliscowo)
- Hardcore Revival (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- Expert Weapons & Tools [Fabric/Quilt] (by XanthianZ)
- Macaw's Lights and Lamps (by sketch_macaw)
- EnvironmentZ (by Globox_Z)
- Architectury API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
- lootbeams (by silverthelesbian)
- bad packets (by badasintended)
- Wandering Collector (by Siphalor)
- Botania (Fabric/Quilt) (by williewillus)
- Bits And Chisels (by cool_mineman)
- Forge Config API Port [Fabric] (by Fuzs_)
- Villager Names (Fabric) (by YumatanGames)
- Iceberg [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Wolves With Armor (by Draylar1)
- Effective 💦 (by doctor4t)
- Sodium (by jellysquid3_)
- Spoorn Weapon Attributes [Fabric/Forge] (by spoorn)
- The Guild (by fulmineo64)
- Collective (by Serilum)
- Simple Voice Chat (by henkelmax)
- Library Ferret - Fabric (by jtl_elisa)
- More Villagers [Fabric] (by SameDifferent)
- Twigs (by ninnih_)
- Fastload (by FluffyBumblebe3)
- Trinkets (Fabric) (by EmilyPloszaj)
- Repurposed Structures (Quilt/Fabric) (by telepathicgrunt)
- Puzzles Lib [Outdated] (by Fuzs_)
- Traveler's Titles (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Cosmetic Armor [FABRIC] (by Apace100)
- Guard Villagers (Fabric/Quilt) (by MrSterner_)
- Go Fish (by Draylar1)
- Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
- BetterEnd (by Quiqueck)
- Inventory Sorting (by Kyrptonaught)
- Better Third Person (by Socolio)
- Keyboard Wizard (by mrnerdy42)
- Macaw's Bridges (by sketch_macaw)
- Village Spawn Point (by Serilum)
- Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge (REI) (by shedaniel)
- Advancements Debug (by thetechnici4n)
- Carrier (by GabrielHOlv)
- Dehydration (by Globox_Z)
- Awesome Dungeon - Fabric (by jtl_elisa)
- Whisperwoods (by itsmeowdev)
- Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Fabric) (by TheGrimsey)
- Hookshot (by Camellias_)
- Balm (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- BetterNether (by Quiqueck)
- Genesis - An Origins Addon (by PhantomereLive)
- VillagerQuests (by Globox_Z)
- Better Enchanted Books (Fabric) (by Bernasss12)
- Loot Goblins (by SkylorBeck)
- Cloth API (Fabric) (by shedaniel)
- YUNG's Bridges (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Rings of Ascension (Fabric) (by Focamacho)
- Origins: Classes (by Apace100)
- Xaero's Minimap (by xaero96)
- BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FABRIC] (by BisectHosting)
- Comforts (Fabric 1.16.5 - 1.19.2) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Tiny Skeletons [Outdated] (by Fuzs_)
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Tips (by DarkhaxDev)
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated (by AOCAWOL)
- Illuminations 🔥 (by doctor4t)
- Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev)
- Fabric Seasons (by D4rkness_King)
- Extra Origins (by MoriyaShiine)
- Visual Overhaul (by Motschen)
- MC Dungeons Armors (by chronos_sacaria)
- Logical Zoom (by LogicalGeekBoy)
- Iris Shaders (by coderbot)
- Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt) (by williewillus)
- Origins (Fabric) (by Apace100)
- Friends&Foes (Fabric) (by faboslav)
- XP Storage - Trinkets (by sfinc)
- Stylish Effects [Outdated] (by Fuzs_)
- Wildfire's Female Gender Mod (Fabric) (by WildfireRomeoMC)
- Bewitchment (by MoriyaShiine)
- Fabric Language Kotlin (by modmuss50)
- Creeper Overhaul (by joosh_7889)
- Better Animals Plus (by cybercat5555)
- MobZ (by Globox_Z)
- Giant Spawn (by Serilum)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
- Heartbond [FABRIC] (by Apace100)
- Enhanced Celestials(Fabric) - Blood Moons & Harvest Moons (by Corgi_Taco)
- YUNG's Extras (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- ToroHealth Damage Indicators (by ToroCraft)
- Visual Workbench [Outdated] (by Fuzs_)
- Item Borders [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- An Origins Addon - Apocalypse (by JaselUmena)
- CreativeCore (by CreativeMD)
- Advancement Plaques [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Equipment Compare [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- MC Story Mode Armors [Forge / Fabric] (by chronos_sacaria)
- BackSlotAddon (by Globox_Z)
- Fabric API (by modmuss50)
- Nether Portal Spread (by Serilum)
- YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Epic Paladins - 2.0 Update soon (by VeroxUniverse)
- No Null Processors (by telepathicgrunt)
- WTHIT (by badasintended)
- Charm of Undying (Fabric 1.16.1 - 1.19.2) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Wandering Trapper (by lilypuree)
- Macaw's Fences and Walls (by sketch_macaw)
- SpoornPacks (by spoorn)
- Mo' Structures (Fabric) (by ffrannny)
- TerraBlender (Fabric) (by TheAdubbz)
- Extra Classes (by lankasteria)
- Better Beds (by Motschen)
- MaLiLib (by masady)
- Charm (by svenhjol)
- Gobber [FABRIC] (by kwpugh)
- Enchantment Lore (by supersaiyansubtlety)
- Merchant Markers [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Phosphor (Fabric) (by jellysquid3_)
- The Graveyard Biomes (FABRIC) (by finallion_13)
- Nomad Books 📗 (by doctor4t)
- Trading Post [Outdated] (by Fuzs_)
- Droplight (by BanzettaDev)
- YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Compact Status Effects (by HellsingDarge)
- Legendary Tooltips [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Charmonium (by svenhjol)
- YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Terralith (by Starmute)
- Immersive Weathering [FABRIC] (by OrdanaryMods)
- When Dungeons Arise - Fabric! (by Aureljz)
- Void Totem (Fabric) (by Affehund)
- Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
- Artifacts (Fabric) (by florensie)
- Terralith (by Starmute)
- Blur (Fabric) (by Motschen)
- Architectury API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
- Supplementaries (by MehVahdJukaar)
- YUNG's Better Strongholds (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Expert Weapons & Tools [Fabric/Quilt] (by XanthianZ)
- lootbeams (by silverthelesbian)
- DimensionalDoors (by DimensionalDevelopment)
- Leaf Decay (by Draylar1)
- Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
- BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FABRIC] (by BisectHosting)
- Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge (REI) (by shedaniel)
- Regrowth (by MacTso)
- ItemPhysic Lite (by CreativeMD)
- Charmonium (by svenhjol)
- First-person Model (Forge/Fabric) (by tr9zw)
- YUNG's Better Dungeons (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- I Know What I'm Doing (IKWID) (by HeckinChloe)
- Balm (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- Awesome Dungeon - Fabric (by jtl_elisa)
- Eldritch Mobs (by cyborg_pigeon)
- ToroHealth Damage Indicators (by ToroCraft)
- MC Dungeons Armors (by chronos_sacaria)
- Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S] (by EwyBoy)
- FerriteCore (Fabric) (by malte0811)
- Paradise Lost (by ImmortalDevs)
- Creeper Overhaul (by joosh_7889)
- EnhancedVisuals (by CreativeMD)
- Charm (by svenhjol)
- Sodium (by jellysquid3_)
- Botania (Fabric/Quilt) (by williewillus)
- Twigs (by ninnih_)
- Enchantment Lore (by supersaiyansubtlety)
- Whisperwoods (by itsmeowdev)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
- Advancements Debug (by thetechnici4n)
- Hardcore Revival (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- TerraBlender (Fabric) (by TheAdubbz)
- Dehydration (by Globox_Z)
- BackSlot (by Globox_Z)
- Observed (by CartoonishVillain)
- Arcanus: Legacy (by Camellias_)
- Falling Leaves (Fabric) (by RandomMcSomethin)
- Fastload (by FluffyBumblebe3)
- Void Totem (Fabric) (by Affehund)
- Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
- Immersive Weathering [FABRIC] (by OrdanaryMods)
- Charm of Undying (Fabric 1.16.1 - 1.19.2) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Origins: Classes (by Apace100)
- Visual Workbench (by Fuzs_)
- RpgDifficulty (by Globox_Z)
- Archon (by safrodev)
- Traveler's Titles (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Gobber [FABRIC] (by kwpugh)
- HerdsPanic (by Globox_Z)
- Deeper and Darker (by KyaniteMods)
- Respawnable Pets (by MoriyaShiine)
- Resourceful Lib (by ThatGravyBoat)
- Tumbleweed (by bconv)
- Wandering Collector (by Siphalor)
- Repurposed Structures (Quilt/Fabric) (by telepathicgrunt)
- Stylish Effects (by Fuzs_)
- Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Fabric) (by TheGrimsey)
- Macaw's Bridges (by sketch_macaw)
- Sound Physics Remastered (by henkelmax)
- Loot Goblins (by SkylorBeck)
- Guard Villagers (Fabric/Quilt) (by MrSterner_)
- Fabric Waystones (by LordDeatHunter)
- Magnum Torch (by Fuzs_)
- Bountiful (Fabric) (by Ejektaflex)
- Moonlight Lib (by MehVahdJukaar)
- The Graveyard Biomes (FABRIC) (by finallion_13)
- Better Animals Plus (by cybercat5555)
- Legendary Tooltips [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Library Ferret - Fabric (by jtl_elisa)
- Additional Structures (Fabric) (by XxRexRaptorxX)
- AppleSkin (by squeek502)
- Comforts (Fabric 1.16.5 - 1.19.2) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- XP Storage (by sfinc)
- Fabric Seasons (by D4rkness_King)
- Not Enough Animations (by tr9zw)
- Cloth API (Fabric) (by shedaniel)
- Vitalize (by CodexAdrian)
- Better Combat [Fabric & Forge] (by daedelus_dev)
- Xaero's World Map (by xaero96)
- TooManyOrigins (by MerchantPug)
- BCLib (by Quiqueck)
- Better Beds (by Motschen)
- Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt) (by williewillus)
- Cardinal Components (by UpcraftLP)
- MC Dungeons Weapons (by chronos_sacaria)
- Better Villages - Fabric (by jtl_elisa)
- Farmer's Delight [Fabric] (by NewHoryzon)
- Structory (by botanydev)
- MixinTrace (by comp500)
- Extra Classes (by lankasteria)
- Item Scroller (by masady)
- Bits And Chisels (by cool_mineman)
- Pehkui (by Virtuoel)
- MC Dungeons Artifacts (by chronos_sacaria)
- BetterNether (by Quiqueck)
- Physics Mod (by haubna)
- Fabric Language Kotlin (by modmuss50)
- Enchanting Infuser (by Fuzs_)
- CraftPresence (by CDAGaming_)
- Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev)
- MC Story Mode Armors [Forge / Fabric] (by chronos_sacaria)
- Macaw's Fences and Walls (by sketch_macaw)
- SkyLib (by SkylorBeck)
- Bosses of Mass Destruction (by Barribob)
- Advancement Plaques [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Combat Roll [Fabric & Forge] (by daedelus_dev)
- Trading Post (by Fuzs_)
- Simple Voice Chat (by henkelmax)
- Go Fish (by Draylar1)
- MaLiLib (by masady)
- Things [Fabric] (by gliscowo)
- Random Mob Effects (by Serilum)
- Goblin Traders [Fabric] (by MrCrayfish)
- Indium (by comp500)
- Keyboard Wizard (by mrnerdy42)
- 🔨 Frame API (by andantet)
- Cosmetic Armor [FABRIC] (by Apace100)
- Spoorn Weapon Attributes [Fabric/Forge] (by spoorn)
- Kambrik (by Ejektaflex)
- NPC Variety - Port (Fabric) (by YumatanGames)
- Illuminations 🔥 (by doctor4t)
- ThonkUtil (by jab125twitchy)
- Easy Magic (by Fuzs_)
- DefaultSettings Fabric/Quilt (by PT400C)
- Nether Portal Spread (by Serilum)
- CorgiLib (by Corgi_Taco)
- Tool Stats (by DarkhaxDev)
- Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric) (by shedaniel)
- Configured (Fabric) (by MrCrayfish)
- Tips (by DarkhaxDev)
- Wolves With Armor (by Draylar1)
- MidnightLib (by TeamMidnightDust)
- Probably Chests (by TheArcanePigeon)
- Mythic Mounts (by chirpycricket__)
- Effective 💦 (by doctor4t)
- Collective (by Serilum)
- Phosphor (Fabric) (by jellysquid3_)
- Productive Villagers (by captaintenneal81)
- Ecologics (by SameDifferent)
- Polymorph (Fabric) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated (by AOCAWOL)
- More Villagers [Fabric] (by SameDifferent)
- YUNG's Extras (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Equipment Compare [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Better Third Person (by Socolio)
- Trinkets (Fabric) (by EmilyPloszaj)
- Iceberg [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- GeckoLib (by ThanosGecko)
- Mod Menu (by ProspectorDev)
- Advanced Netherite [FABRIC] (by AutovwDev)
- Bewitchment (by MoriyaShiine)
- CreativeCore (by CreativeMD)
- Incendium (by Starmute)
- SpoornPacks (by spoorn)
- Tiny Skeletons (by Fuzs_)
- YUNG's Bridges (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Iris Shaders (by coderbot)
- Diagonal Fences (by Fuzs_)
- Fabric API (by modmuss50)
- Inventory Sorting (by Kyrptonaught)
- WTHIT (by badasintended)
- oωo (owo-lib) (by gliscowo)
- BetterEnd (by Quiqueck)
- myLoot (by spoorn)
- EnvironmentZ (by Globox_Z)
- bad packets (by badasintended)
- VoidZ (by Globox_Z)
- The Graveyard (FABRIC) (by finallion_13)
- Prism [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- MidnightControls (by Motschen)
- Expert Armor [Fabric/Quilt] (by XanthianZ)
- Wandering Trapper (by lilypuree)
- Village Spawn Point (by Serilum)
- Merchant Markers [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Konkrete [Fabric] (by Keksuccino)
- Simple Backpack [FABRIC] (by kwpugh)
- Craftable Chainmail Armor [FORGE & FABRIC] (by 00theblackwolf00)
- Styled Nicknames (by Patbox)
- Friends&Foes (Fabric) (by faboslav)
- Dark Loading Screen (by Neecko5b84)
- When Dungeons Arise - Fabric! (by Aureljz)
- Visual Overhaul (by Motschen)
- Extra Origins (by MoriyaShiine)
- Heartbond [FABRIC] (by Apace100)
- Wildfire's Female Gender Mod (Fabric) (by WildfireRomeoMC)
- Item Borders [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Fabric Shield Lib (by CrimsonDawn45)
- YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Bag Of Holding (by Fuzs_)
- Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise)
- Logical Zoom (by LogicalGeekBoy)
- Satin API (by PyrofabTheModsmith)
- Simply Swords [Fabric & Forge] (by sweenuss)
- Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
- Origins (Fabric) (by Apace100)
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Rings of Ascension (Fabric) (by Focamacho)
- Xaero's Minimap (by xaero96)
- MobZ (by Globox_Z)
- LevelZ (by Globox_Z)
- MoreAchievements [Fabric] (by elaterna)
- Vanilla Hammers (by Draylar1)
- Additional Additions | Fabric (by dqu1jjj)
- Artifacts (Fabric) (by florensie)
- Sit (Fabric) (by bl4ckscor3)
- Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
- Forge Config API Port (by Fuzs_)
- An Origins Addon - Apocalypse (by JaselUmena)
- Carrier (by GabrielHOlv)
- Puzzles Lib (by Fuzs_)
- BackSlotAddon (by Globox_Z)
- Spoorn Armor Attributes [Fabric/Forge] (by spoorn)
- Enhanced Celestials(Fabric) - Blood Moons & Harvest Moons (by Corgi_Taco)
- TrashSlot (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev)
- Towers of the Wild: Additions (by Aureljz)
- AdventureZ (by Globox_Z)
- Rat's Mischief 🐀 (by doctor4t)
- Damage Tilt (by Charles445)
- Botarium (by CodexAdrian)
- XP Storage - Trinkets (by sfinc)
- Macaw's Lights and Lamps (by sketch_macaw)
- Iron Chests (Fabric) (by cyberanner)
- Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) (by tr9zw)
- Giant Spawn (by Serilum)
- Spirit (by CodexAdrian)
- playerAnimator (by KosmX)
- Tumbleweed (by bconv)
- Additional Additions | Fabric (by dqu1jjj)
- Panda's Extra Details (Forge/Fabric) (by ThePandaOliver)
- JCPlugin (by PT400C)
- Simple Voice Chat (by henkelmax)
- First-person Model (Forge/Fabric) (by tr7zw)
- MC Dungeons Artifacts (by chronos_sacaria)
- When Dungeons Arise - Fabric! (by Aureljz)
- Combat Roll [Fabric & Forge] (by daedelus_dev)
- Balm (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- Styled Nicknames (by Patbox)
- Advancement Plaques [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Macaw's Bridges (by sketch_macaw)
- Blur (Fabric) (by Motschen)
- Wandering Collector (by Siphalor)
- Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric) (by shedaniel)
- Legendary Tooltips [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Stylish Effects (by Fuzs)
- DefaultSettings Fabric/Quilt (by PT400C)
- BetterNether (by Quiqueck)
- Comforts (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Enchanting Infuser [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- bad packets (by badasintended)
- MC Dungeons Weapons (by chronos_sacaria)
- Item Borders [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Merchant Markers [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Iron Chests (Fabric) (by cyberanner)
- AppleSkin (by squeek502)
- Bountiful (Fabric) (by Ejektaflex)
- YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Nyctophobia (FABRIC) (by finallion_13)
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- YUNG's Better Dungeons (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- BetterEnd (by Quiqueck)
- TerraBlender (Fabric) (by TheAdubbz)
- Trinkets (Fabric) (by EmilyPloszaj)
- Zenith (by safrodev)
- BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FABRIC] (by BisectHosting)
- Creeper Overhaul (by joosh_7889)
- DimensionalDoors (by DimensionalDevelopment)
- Spoorn Armor Attributes [Fabric/Forge] (by spoorn)
- Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev)
- Puzzles Lib [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- YUNG's Extras (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Visual Workbench [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- Additional Structures (Fabric/Quilt) (by XxRexRaptorxX)
- MidnightControls (by Motschen)
- SpoornPacks (by spoorn)
- Architectury API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
- YUNG's Better Strongholds (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Framework (Fabric) (by MrCrayfish)
- NPC Variety - Port (Fabric) (by YumatanGames)
- Random Mob Effects (by Serilum)
- Productive Villagers (by captaintenneal81)
- Loot Integrations[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
- Aftershock (by AzureDoomC)
- Falling Leaves (Fabric) (by RandomMcSomethin)
- Xaero's Minimap (by xaero96)
- Bag Of Holding [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- Diagonal Fences [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- Goblin Traders [Fabric] (by MrCrayfish)
- Cardinal Components API (by UpcraftLP)
- AzureLib (by AzureDoomC)
- Extra Origins (by MoriyaShiine)
- LevelZ (by Globox_Z)
- Iris Shaders (by coderbot)
- The Graveyard (FABRIC) (by finallion_13)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
- Magnum Torch (by Fuzs)
- Satin API (by PyrofabTheModsmith)
- Respawnable Pets (by MoriyaShiine)
- Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
- Resourceful Config (by ThatGravyBoat)
- Better Third Person (by Socolio)
- Visual Overhaul (by Motschen)
- Repurposed Structures (Quilt/Fabric) (by telepathicgrunt)
- myLoot (by spoorn)
- Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) (by tr7zw)
- BackSlotAddon (by Globox_Z)
- Dark Loading Screen (by Neecko5b84)
- Fabric Language Kotlin (by modmuss50)
- Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
- Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev)
- MC Dungeons Armors (by chronos_sacaria)
- Bewitchment (by MoriyaShiine)
- EnhancedVisuals (by CreativeMD)
- Rings of Ascension (Fabric) (by focamacho)
- Regrowth (by MacTso)
- AdventureZ (by Globox_Z)
- Spoorn Weapon Attributes [Fabric/Forge] (by spoorn)
- Farmer's Delight [Fabric] (by NewHoryzon)
- Towers of the Wild: Additions (by Aureljz)
- BackSlot (by Globox_Z)
- More Villagers [Fabric] (by SameDifferent)
- Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge (REI) (by shedaniel)
- Heartbond (by Apace)
- Bits And Chisels (by cool_mineman)
- Guard Villagers (Fabric/Quilt) (by MrSterner_)
- Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt) (by williewillus)
- Deeper and Darker (by KyaniteMods)
- Void Totem (Fabric) (by Affehund)
- GeckoLib (by Gecko)
- Collective (by Serilum)
- HerdsPanic (by Globox_Z)
- Physics Mod (by haubna)
- Xaero's World Map (by xaero96)
- Fabric Seasons (by D4rkness_King)
- TrashSlot (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- Macaw's Roofs (by sketch_macaw)
- MidnightLib (by TeamMidnightDust)
- Pehkui (by Virtuoel)
- Tool Stats (by DarkhaxDev)
- MaLiLib (by masady)
- Mythic Mounts (by chirpycricket__)
- Simply Swords [Fabric & Forge] (by sweenuss)
- Moonlight Lib (by MehVahdJukaar)
- CraftPresence (by CDAGaming_)
- Tiny Skeletons [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- Things [Fabric] (by gliscowo)
- EnvironmentZ (by Globox_Z)
- Terralith (by Starmute)
- An Origins Addon - Libra (by JaselUmena)
- Indium (by comp500)
- YUNG's Bridges (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Library Ferret - Fabric (by jtl_elisa)
- Traveler's Titles (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Supplementaries (by MehVahdJukaar)
- Inventory Sorting (by Kyrptonaught)
- Enchantment Lore (by supersaiyansubtlety)
- Macaw's Lights and Lamps (by sketch_macaw)
- Tips (by DarkhaxDev)
- Dusk[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (by ChoiceTheorem)
- playerAnimator (by KosmX)
- Fabric API (by modmuss50)
- Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
- Carrier (by GabrielHOlv)
- Bosses of Mass Destruction (by Barribob)
- Nether Portal Spread (by Serilum)
- Sound Physics Remastered (by henkelmax)
- Wildfire's Female Gender Mod (by WildfireRomeoMC)
- FakerLib (by TheWinABagel)
- YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Macaw's Fences and Walls (by sketch_macaw)
- Botania (Fabric/Quilt) (by williewillus)
- Ecologics (by SameDifferent)
- Fabric Waystones (by LordDeatHunter)
- Village Spawn Point (by Serilum)
- Giant Spawn (by Serilum)
- Panda's Falling Tree's (Forge/Fabric) (by ThePandaOliver)
- Iceberg [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Equipment Compare [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- Forge Config API Port [Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- Trading Post [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Fabric) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise)
- Sodium (by jellysquid3_)
- FerriteCore (Fabric) (by malte0811)
- Zenith Attributes (by TheWinABagel)
- CorgiLib (by Corgi_Taco)
- Incendium (by Starmute)
- Eldritch Mobs (by CyborgPigeon)
- Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (by tr7zw)
- Craftable Chainmail Armor [FORGE & FABRIC] (by 00theblackwolf00)
- Dehydration (by Globox_Z)
- Advanced Netherite (Fabric) (by AutovwDev)
- Expert Armor [Fabric | Forge] (by XanthianZ)
- WTHIT (by badasintended)
- Charm of Undying (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- RpgDifficulty (by Globox_Z)
- Item Scroller (by masady)
- Hardcore Revival (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
- Red’s More Structures [Fabric & Forge] (by redstone3game)
- AutoTag (by Apace)
- Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
- Origins (Fabric) (by Apace)
- Searchables (by Jaredlll08)
- oωo (owo-lib) (by gliscowo)
- Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S] (by EwyBoy)
- BCLib (by Quiqueck)
- Structory (by botanydev)
- Cosmetic Armor [FABRIC] (by Apace)
- Twigs (by ninnih_)
- Kambrik (by Ejektaflex)
- Archon (by safrodev)
- Artifacts (by ochotonida)
- Better Combat [Fabric & Forge] (by daedelus_dev)
- Botarium (by CodexAdrian)
- Cupboard (by someaddon)
- Sit (Fabric) (by bl4ckscor3)
- Awesome Dungeon - Fabric (by jtl_elisa)
- SmartBrainLib (Forge/Fabric/Quilt) (by Scimiguy)
- Not Enough Animations (by tr7zw)
- Fabric Seasons: Terralith Compat (by D4rkness_King)
- Friends&Foes (Fabric) (Copper Golem, Glare, Moobloom, Iceologer, Barnacle, Wildfire, Illusioner, Rascal and Tuff Golem) (by Faboslav)
- LibZ (by Globox_Z)
- TooManyOrigins (by MerchantPug)
- Prism [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
- CreativeCore (by CreativeMD)
- Logical Zoom (by LogicalGeekBoy)
- VoidZ (by Globox_Z)
- ItemPhysic Lite (by CreativeMD)
A Big THANK YOU to All of the Developers of the Mods & for Hosting..