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Try TurtleCraft for a newer and better modpack:


In SquooshCreate, you can do basically whatever you want! Build amazing builds with tons of decoration mods, create cool factories with the Create mod, or go on adventures and discover rare artifacts! There are also a lot of other mods to enhance your experience.



  • Use Create mod for building giant factories and to automate almost anything
  • Storage drawers for mass item storage
  • Sell items to other players with trading stations
  • Waystones for easy transportation
  • Use chunk loaders to keep your factories always loaded in
  • Pets can respawn at pet beds and wear collars with new enchantments
  • Pick up villagers into your inventory and make mini villagers farms
  • Build with lots of decoration mods
  • Many new mobs to find
  • Lots of new plants and foods to discover
  • Find artifacts that give you special abilities
  • Iron chests for more storage
  • Iron furnaces for faster smelting
  • Break one block of a tree to bring down the whole thing
  • Carry chests and mobs to easily transport them
  • Your items will be safely stored in a corpse when you die
  • Easily enchant your items with a new kind of enchanting table
  • Use magic elevators to easily travel far vertical distances
  • Wear a backpack for extra inventory space
  • Everywhere you have explored will show up on your world map
  • Make waypoints to save locations on your map
  • Many quality of life features





Also try TurtleCraft!

