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Welcome to Project: Craftlin! This is a heavy technology focused modpack (barely any magic!) The goal of the modpack is too 100% the questbook, and make the creative tab icon.


Our features are:

  • A extensive Questbook (coming soonish)
  • Custom Void Miner
  • Native Applied Energistics 2 Dark mode (If you do not like this remove the ae2/megacells/advancedae/ae2importexportcard/extendedae/appflux/merequester folders in /kubejs/assets)
  • Custom Mystical Agriculture Seeds
  • Buffed AdvancedAE Quantum Computers
  • Soon to have tons of custom machines & Multiblocks to spice up the endgame


I must give Credits where its due:

  • GT: New Horizons & Twist Space Technology (TST for the miracle top, GT:NH for the casing.
  • Draconic Evolution (For the Cores & Dragon Heart texture)